Infinity Alpha Adult

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In the midst of completion - Infinity Alpha - now has a 2nd - Hangout area..
The : Infinity Alpha HUB.. Now, with teleport giver boards for those wanting to go to the most popular quality locations. Info. about free housing rentals for wolf grid and access to a peace keeper/ grid helper. Come and relax also, added a indoor pool and games are in this skybox - yes not on land- but in the air complex. more coming asap

Winter Hangout Area - now open
Infinity Alpha Default Landing point : hop://

Winter wonderland with cute sled seats that seat two - w couples anim. Jet ski rezer to drive on the outside of the main area.
Direct Link to Infinity Alpha's Sky Hangout / Welcoming Area:

Update.. for Infinity Alpha.. feel free to come explore. Get lost and or ride a hot air balloon, and much more.

wicked: Thank you, for the likes :) Hugs! 5 months ago

New Castle Just built. Come Explore... Furnishing still in progress but most is complete. ( adult only no age play).


Hi, Opening Infinity alpha for exploration. Still working out a few kinks so, let me know. Hugs, to all you nice people out there.

Thirza Ember: very nice! 5 months ago