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Alternate Metaverse Homesteads - Free Homes

Free housing on one of the largest, most stable and fastest growing grids in OpenSim! We feel that everyone should have a place to call home, and AMV is a very good place to do that with very stable coding, a vast amount of incredible clubs, performers, places to explore, shops & more! Full prim allowance for each parcel, parcel ownership rights for groups, radio etc....no Terraforming or changing houses. Houses come set up but unfurnished, add your own style! Great community spirit both inside and outside of the homesteads! Contact any of our mentors for YOUR free home today! Visit our website to join the grid as homesteaders must be grid members. https://alternatemetaverse.com

Size: sq.m.

Prim Limit: Prim limit is what each parcel states, usually about 500-600

Rent: Free


✓ Social ✓ Residential ✓ Private ✓ Adult

Payment Options

✓ Free

Added by Cataplexia Numbers 2 years ago

👍 7 like Contact


Hey! I can see my house from here! - These are perfect, all you need to get started, they have privacy and a good amount of prims for furnishing. No silly rules - just common sense. A great grid full of nice people.