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MANSIONS --- Francos Place Elite Parcels in Neverworld 5000 Prim and Free for ALL!

A limited amount of free parcels in Franco's Place, with dancing and shopping nearby. Free for ALL. You must build or start within three days, empty parcels will be revoked due to high demand. hg.neverworldgrid.com:8002:francos place Parcels are self serve, click the mailbox on the parcel to rent and renew within 30 days. Neverworld is the NO DRAMA grid and gives out free land to everyone we have hundreds of parcels. Learn why people from other grids come and live on our grid.

Size: 1/32 sim - 2048 sq.m.

Prim Limit: 5000

Rent: Free


✓ nev erworld grid ✓ free ✓ opensim ✓ mansions ✓ no drama ✓ friendly ✓ stable ✓ builders ✓ creators

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Added by Govega 2 years ago

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