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Nautilus Community Rentals (Wolf Territories )

Nautilus Community consisting of over 80 interconnected regions. The land regions have been placed between 57 water regions giving you some spectacular views and the ability to sail or fly to all of them. The welcome area is l​ocated on Nautilus Isle, the heart of Nautilus featuring a port with docks with a yacht and a dance dock and lounging areas where the residents can meet up, and has an Estate Office on Nautilus Isle for the Nautilus Community on the Wolf Territories Grid

The Nautilus Community was created to give residents a feeling of stability and camaraderie. Many of our residents have been with us long term and are sailing and flying enthusiast​s. We have many regions to explore and free parcels available throughout our diverse regions. The Nautilus regions are ADULT Rated and are LGBT friendly. Visit any of the Nautilus regions and select Estate Office on the TP boards.

Size: Free Parcels connected to WATER sq.m.

Prim Limit: up to 1000 Prims

Rent: Free


✓ Residential ✓ Social ✓ Adult ✓ LGBT ✓ long term residents ✓ community ✓ Sailing ✓ Events

Payment Options

✓ Free

Added by Chad Deischer 9 days ago

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