This script is in use in Ardent Lake adoption services, and in MatchMaker region on Sub-Version Space Grid.
In these regions - we set the boards to "buy original" (together with a mailbox as offlines across the HG dont work). The user buys the board then adds their picture to the front and puts their notecard in the board.
Put this script, and a notecard with your personal ad in a prim - with your profile image on the front.
If you click the prim you will see how many times notecards have been given.
If someone else clicks the prim they will be given the option to get your notecard or like your board. If they like your board you will be sent an IM (OFC this only works if the script can contact you via IM - so hypergrid = unlikely).
v1.5 Changes:
Changed the like count - so it doesnt count additional likes from the same person recorded in the previous 20 likes.
v1.4 Changes:
When someone likes your board:
- It will attempt to send the board owner an IM (which will fail for HG users who are not contactable). This IM will say the avatar name and UUID who liked your board, and what region the board was in, and the date they liked it. If the board owner is not on the local grid and not online they will not get this IM. If the owner is on the local grid but offline - it will be saved as an "offline message" providing the grid is configured to keep and forward these.
When owner clicks:
- Displays the number of cards that have been requested since the object last started.
- Displays the number of times the board has been liked
- Displays a list of the last 20 avatars who have liked your board. This list will be the avatar name and UUID. It will not add an avatar who is already present in the list.
Known issues:
- The board keeps the last 20 likes in a list. If the list grows larger than this it will remove the oldest entry from the list before adding the new one. This means that if someone likes your board - but then gets "wiped off" and they like it again - it will add them again. I don't think this is really a problem but it's worth noting.
- The board does not prevent people from liking multiple times and this will increase the like count. I plan to change it so it only records a like if it actually adds someone.
Added by: Glenys Bieler✦
Last Update: 21 days ago
Project Category: Other