JoaoPaulino @JoaoPaulino

Brasil Offline

Gorean Slaver

Joined 4 years ago

About Myself

I like people, human beings who have as a reference the respect for life and the right that each one carries over themselves. Gor is for me a living theatrical space. I like to interact and experience good times with everyone who wants to have fun, laugh and play. Dramas are not welcome, well with critics, whatever. I respect your right to choose, but also respect mine of not wanting to get involved with boring and traumatized people.

My Interests

Gor, friendships, fun of all kinds, good conversation, constructions, scripts and photography

Music I Like

Led Zeppelin, Pink FLoyd, MPB (Brazilian popular music)

Films I Like


My Heroes

All those who fight for a fair and solidary world

Viewer Version

Firestorm 6.4.12


intel i7

My Regions

GOR_Brasil - Cenario01
1 0 - Cenario01 0 Users
Gorean BTB City
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1 0 0 Users
Criatividade e tudo
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MundoGoreano - Ven
1 0 - Ven 0 Users
Gorean BTB City
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MundoGoreano - MiniMundos
1 0 - MiniMundos 0 Users
Gorean BTB School - Kajira SAFE ZONE
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GOR_Brasil - Cenario01
1 1 - Cenario01 0 Users
Gor BTB Brasileiro
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Always available to help Brazilians and Portuguese-speaking people find their way around OpenSim. Count on our support.

Sempre disponível para ajudar os brasileiros e os de língua portuguesa a encontrarem o caminho no OpenSim. Contem com nosso apoio.