Tailor Nova @TailorNova

SOUL GRID " Super Nova Beach Resort" Offline


Joined 4 years ago

About Myself

Owner from Super Nova Beach Resort

I don't hide behind an avatar name to pretend to be someone I'm not. There are enough people here in Open Sim who continue to play the sneaky games they brought with them from SL.

I have found my focus in OS and make swimwear especially for women. In my main store you will find everything to do with the beach in 4 departments: bikinis, bathing suits, dresses and nightwear. Down on the beach there are also stores around the beach.

I am happy about everyone who visits my resort.

All items are for personal use! Resale not allowed.


Ich verstecke mich nicht hinter einem Avatar-Namen, um vorzugeben, jemand zu sein, der ich nicht bin. Es gibt genug Leute hier in Open Sim, die weiterhin die hinterhältigen Spiele spielen, die sie aus SL mitgebracht haben.

Ich habe meinen Schwerpunkt in OS gefunden und stelle Bademode besonders für Frauen her. In meinem Mainstore findet ihr in 4 Abteilungen alles rund um den Beach : Bikinis, Badeanzüge, Dresses und Nachtwäsche. Unten am Beach gibt es ebenfalls Stores rund um den Beach.

Ich freue mich über jeden der mein Resort besucht.

Alle Artikel sind für den Eigengebrauch ! Weiterverkauf nicht erlaubt.

My Interests

Beach Swimwear Mainstore

Viewer Version

Firestorm 6.6.14 (69596) Aug 1 2023

My Regions

Super Nova Beach Resort
49 7 soul-grid.de:8002:Super Nova Beach Resort 1 Users
German Beach Location with Karibik Flair. Visite us Relax and have a nice Time. See our great Locations arround this Place : Free Shoping Men and Woman Beachwear Skystore, Beach Club, Lost Place Island and much more. NEW MONEY GIVER
more info


SN Luis Swimpants
Alltime Moneygiver and Luckyshower at Beach

SN Tux Suit Greg
Alltime Moneygiver and Luckyshower at Beach

New Beach Bikini Sugar - NO Resale-
Comes with Color Hud

New Dress Touch - NO Resale-
Comes with Color Hud

Find more in Mainstore : Bikini, Swimsuit,Dresses and Nightwear

SKY CLUB 67 (ehem.Foxfabrik)

Heute abend ab 20 Uhr spielen wir die Vergessenen Hits, One Hit Wonder und vieles mehr in der MUSIK BOX....

soul-grid.de:8002:Super Nova Beach Resort

Soul-Grid : Und looos geht es !!!!!! 2 years ago

SN Jeans Harper
Alltime Moneygiver and Luckyshower at Beach

Groupgiver for News at Beach Shops
Releases, Special Order,Infos and more

SN Shirt Henry
Alltime Moneygiver and Luckyshower at Beach

!!! Luckyboards and Moneygiver in Mainstore !!!

Earn Soul Linden to go Shopping

Dress Giana

Comes with Color Hud -Athena Body-


Beach Club with Bar and Relaxlounge

Save the Date

!!! Vorankündigung !!!

NEW Furniture

Light Walls Wood

Dress Roxy

Comes with Color Hud -Athena Body-


?? Nachschub deutsche Chat Gesturen !!!!???


Sound Garage

Eine kleine Auswahl an Chatgesturen :-)

Wie immer FREE

Lost Place .... come and see ....


SN Biker Jeans

NEW IN with 5 Colors

Liebe Besucher des Mainstores

Aufgrund das einige Besucher den ganzen Mainstore als Freeware mitnehmen und diese Ware dann nicht als Privat genutzt werden, werden ab sofort ALLE NEUEN Kleidungstücke nur noch in unserer SOUL GRID WÄHRUNG angeboten. Besucher haben jedoch auch die möglichkeit an einem unserer LUCKY CHAIRS kostenlos NEUE Ware zu erhalten.
Dear visitors of the main store

Due to the fact that some visitors take the entire main store with them as freeware and then do not use this product privately, ALL NEW items of clothing are now only offered in our SOUL GRID CURRENCY. However, visitors also have the opportunity to receive NEW goods free of charge on one of our LUCKY CHAIRS.

Woody: TaylorNova is not a designer. He stole it all in SL 1 years ago
Open Sim Stammtisch
Hier wird alles auf den Tisch gelegt statt immer hintenrum. Jeder darf sich hier Kuntgeben und über sein Leid etc klagen und Berichten.


OPENING Maine Store Beach.

Bikinis, Swimsuit and much more

⚒?⚒ UMBAU und Erweiterung Beach Main Store ⚒?⚒

Und ich sage trotzdem... DAS IST ZU KLEIN ?
Shop und Sortiment passen nicht mehr in den alten Strandladen also muss hier was größeres her ??? Schaufel raus.... Hammer und Nägel und los geht's ???
Aufgrund von Handwerkermangel und Lieferverzögerungen kann es zu Einschränkungen kommen.
Die Geschäftsleitung bittet um Ihr Verständnis ??


⚒?⚒ RECONSTRUCTION and expansion Beach Main Store ⚒?⚒

And I still say... THIS IS TOO SMALL ?
Shop and range no longer fit into the old beach shop so something bigger has to come here ??? Shovel out.... hammer and nails and let's go ???
Due to the lack of craftsmen and delivery delays, there may be restrictions.

The management asks for your understanding ??

comments 71 post likes 1268
No upcoming events

My Reviews

SilverFox Mall

Great Mall in very Nice Style


Schöne Strecke alles was zum Kart fahren gehört.

South Park

Today I started to get kicked out of the grid. I have a warning you have been removed by our automatic system. I used a new viewer. It doesn't send me home, but completely kicks me out of the game. It's not nice. I won't try again and will just forget about this grid..... :-)


Today I started to get kicked out of the grid. I have a warning you have been removed by our automatic system. I used a new viewer. It doesn't send me home, but completely kicks me out of the game. It's not nice. I won't try again and will just forget about this grid :-)

Moonrose Shopping

Sehr schöne Weihnachtslocation und gute Auwahl in den Shops

Trianon Complex

Great Pink Floyd Show. We visite it with some Great Friends and we have a nice Party Show

My Groups

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