
0 Users 46 7 216th
Carima, an Medival Fantasy Roleplay once foundet at SL by Linde Kronfeld. Rised there from an half-sim up to 9 Islands and was well known there. Due to the rai...
0 Users 9 0 352nd
The "Amazonien" Roleplay * founded april 2007 in Second life by Atrista Vig, Amelie Cimino and 5 others * oldest german roleplay in second life, founded again...

Wolf Mountain
0 Users | 27 likes 0 comments

Wolf Territories Grid is here! Over 3 years old. A great place to explore and enjoy! - land for rent.

The Lost Gardens of Apollo
0 Users 42 12 737th
some may remember: "The Lost Gardens of Apollo" once have been an well known place at SL, build there by Dane Zander. Online 2005 till 2011. Now almost perfect ...
0 Users 13 2 919th
Home of "Callas" the famous ballroom of Carima, open for everyone 24h / 7d. Spend some time in an romantic ambiance. Heimat von "Callas" dem bekannten Ballsa...