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Welcome to Captiva ! The best region to explore. Plenty of freebies here and a lot to do and explore. See if you can find the Alien encounter with flying saucers and aliens. This is a large region so have fun! Need help? IM Jonn luik.

Free shops available throughout the area. Just pick one and put some unique items. IM me if you need further details.

Captiva is full of places to see and free shops. Various clubs featured for your use and entertainment. New additions include Neptune's underwater beach, Alien encounter, Eqyptian area and more! We are looking for entertainers for our clubs.

Best region for shops and homes in all Aviworld. Plenty to do here at Captiva

Jonnluik: This is one great region in Aviworlds. Lots to do and see! 1 years ago

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Region Comments

Good songs there :)
On Sept 8th at Double Deuce "you the owner of this Club" forgot to change the Sharpshooter" ad to say the EVENT HAD BEEN CANCELED)..... I'ts not the first time nor will it be the last time, you the Club owner of more than 1 on Captiva doesn't take the time to fix their own event ad.... I am beginning to wonder Jonn if you even care about some of the people that work for you... I thought you was truly kidding me when you laughed and said you were not there to be professional...I did not find that funny Jonn!! Are you trying to chase people away? Because some of the things you think are funny is NOT..... maybe you need to get out of the club business..
The Double Deuce has been closed since around that time and that band was not set up to perform after their date. It is now a different Country Western venue as an outdoor club. They will perform when the dates are set up.
I had loads of fun with DJ Jax. Thx for the great tunes. Jaxx's Nightclub is a great place :)
Free shops for vendors throughout the large sim. Clothes and more if you can offer. Pick your shop and claim it in the business district. Please join Comet Land group to rez your items. This can be done at the welcome center just a short hop from Jaxx's Club. We love to fill up our shops here. Thank you.