The Lost Gardens of Apollo

This region takes me back to my early roots in Second Life when it stood as an architectural marvel in the virtual world- Pre mesh and EVEN pre sculpty!! Its a shining tribute to what beauty can be created with ordinary prims and a heaping dose of creativity! I am so happy to rediscover it intact and in Open Sim! - Cataplexia Numbers
oh the memories!! glad to see it again! :)
I too missed this so much, thank you for capturing the ambiance.
Beautiful, thanks so much :)
I never saw it in SL but it is wonderful to see more and more SL folks see that they can rebuild very inexpensively in OpenSim.

It also allows people to hypergate in from all over the Hyperverse-)
Holy crow. I never got to experience the original, but exploring this region has been incredibly moving. This will easily be someplace I'll be back to again.
Thank you for the reincarnation of the lost gardens ... brings back a lot of fond memories
I was so sad to see the original closed. Thanks for bringing it back.
I loved it in SL... still love it in OS.... thanks to give us the possibility to spend dreaming hours once more.
So many hours spent in the lost gardens....Thanks for this rebirth!