Big Tent

Big Tent
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A place for readings and seminars. Small groups welcome.

White Chickens Poetry Workshop
Making Real Poems in the Virtual World

class size – 8
meet weekly
for 10 weeks – January 16–March 20
on Saturday @ 10am GridTime
for 60 to 90 minutes
on region Big Tent

no prerequisites

you must be able to use in-world Voice for class.

there may be some technical assignments early on

workshop style
a forum for sharing and discussing the participants’ poems

workshop rules apply
1. make “I statemnts” – about your feelings, perceptions, etc.
2. talk about the poems – not the authors
3. be honest and direct

join the Group – WhiteChickens
turn work in on Wednesdays for Saturday class.
worksheet of new work published weekly

to join the class, send an IM to Em Jannings by January 15th.
first come first served.

no ideas but in things.
A Holiday Reading in English and German
Where: Big Tent
When: 7 years ago [13 Dec 2017 12:00 SLT]

A Christmas Reading

Em Jannings and Dings Digital present a reading in live voice.

Stories and Poems for the Season

Featuring "A Child's Christmas in Wales" by Dylan Thomas
and poems in both English and German
by authors ancient and modern, famous and obscure.

Join us on Big Tent on Wednesday December 13th
at 12 noon GridTime.

Refreshments will be served.

Ho ho ho!

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White Chickens Poetry Workshop
Making Real Poems in the Virtual World

class size – 8
meet weekly
for 10 weeks – January 16–March 20
on Saturday @ 10am GridTime
for 60 to 90 minutes
on region Big Tent

no prerequisites

you must be able to use in-world Voice for class.

there may be some technical assignments early on

workshop style
a forum for sharing and discussing the participants’ poems

workshop rules apply
1. make “I statemnts” – about your feelings, perceptions, etc.
2. talk about the poems – not the authors
3. be honest and direct

join the Group – WhiteChickens
turn work in on Wednesdays for Saturday class.
worksheet of new work published weekly

to join the class, send an IM to Em Jannings by January 15th.
first come first served.

no ideas but in things.
Thanks Lou. I will be hosting some meet ups of new server operators on Saturdays at noon. All are welcome.
you continue online , Congratulations .. i will visit