Creation 3

Creation 3
Added by :
Karima Hoisan
Created :
6 years ago
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Creation is a fun inventive tour- experience of various creative stops. All Hypergridders are welcome! See where you can go, just sitting in a chair:) We'd love to show you!
1.You Must Be able To Play Parcel Media (Video not Music)
and hear both sound as well as images
Best Media on Autoplay and Filters Off

2.Dressing in the Avatar provided will enable you to be truly part of each scene.
Just try it, you won't regret it:) It is amazing for pictures.

3. Surrender to what comes before your eyes. Enjoy each flavor...each
Hope to see you soon!

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8 months ago

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Reviews (1)
Overall Rating:
wolfe “Creation” is absolutely very cool, I took the ride twice, now that was interesting! very artistic! Good job in every way, highly recommend visiting!
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Region Comments

So creative! And, you don't need to worry about missing anything, since your chair will provide you with an automatic guided tour.

Definitely a unique and satisfying experience.
This is simply stunningly fantastic, what an interesting art related build!

“Creation” is absolutely very cool, I took the ride twice, now that was interesting! very artistic! It reminded me of a woman in SL years ago who was featured by SL and she had a sim with multi colored boxes and tunnels you moved thru.
Good job in every way, highly recommend visiting!