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Our server (and hence regions) is currently not reachable due to issues at Contabo. Hopefully will be resolved soon...

I have become aware that there are various grids saying they have or will stop the use of the SatyrFarm system due to issues with the animal scripts in the Quintonia edition. As soon as I was made aware of this issue I released an update (version 5.8 of the animal script) and you can pick up the rezzer/updater for this in Box 1 from the Mintor store. I would strongly recommend people to update their animals to this version as soon as you can so as not to get on the wrong side of your grid owners etc. Thanking you for your help in this.

Kris Patrick: odd.. 3 years ago

Regions have moved! Now can be found at worlds.quintonia.net:8002:mintor

Please note Mintor & Aluga will be offline from 5pm (BST) today due to network maintenance. If all goes to plan they will be back up some time later tonight.

Mintor and other Quintonia regions are down for a network upgrade - should be back hopefully in about half an hour.

Community meeting
Where: Mintor
When: 4 years ago [31 Jan 2021 10:00 SLT]

Open meeting for all interested in Quintonia farming etc. In the Geodome

Have you tried all the rides in the recently opened fun fair?! You can also make snow angels and fire yourself up the hill from the cannon!

Just an update that there are some new items in the animals section of the welcome centre - come free shopping!

Mintor right now...

Tropical and arctic areas.

Mintor nature reserve

Mintor Art Gallery

The geodome meeting place.

Mintor open house
Where: Mintor
When: 6 years ago [15 Jun 2019 03:00 SLT]

Come along to Mintor to visit the nature reserve, petting zoo, farm, art gallery and more!

We will have information about Quintonia (Queer Virtual Worlds) including details of free homes and land.

Running from around 11am to about 4pm UK time.

Mintor art gallery