
Added by :
Buzzy Cnayl
Created :
6 years ago
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Visit the Farm shop with loads of new items for your VivoSim system then take a stroll to the Petting zoo and on through the nature reserve, art gallery and farm. Then head back for some delicious food in the cafe which you can use the VivoSim to eat it!
Visit the ever growing Shop where all all items are genuinely unique or shared under owners permission.
Pick up your free HUD and some outfits at the Welcome centre, along with handy things to help you enjoy you time in all the VivoSim regions.

Why not take a horse trek through the park, take in the view from the mountain top then see the latest exhibition at the art gallery. We also have a selection of homes for free rental.

There is now an updated plant script available for beta testing. You can pick up an updater in the Mintor store that will automatically update your plants for you (Just wear it, edit the 'upgradeables' notecard if you wish to limit the plants being updated, then touch it to start).

// Updated to use version number format n.nn (was n.n)
// Fixed not showing 'Replanting' option if AutoHarvest is on
// Fixed not keeping Replanting option setting if script reset
// Options on menu now go back to menu so you can configure easier first time before planting
// (updater also updates prod-rez_plugin to allow a rez rotation to be set)

Our server (and hence regions) is currently not reachable due to issues at Contabo. Hopefully will be resolved soon...

I have become aware that there are various grids saying they have or will stop the use of the SatyrFarm system due to issues with the animal scripts in the Quintonia edition. As soon as I was made aware of this issue I released an update (version 5.8 of the animal script) and you can pick up the rezzer/updater for this in Box 1 from the Mintor store. I would strongly recommend people to update their animals to this version as soon as you can so as not to get on the wrong side of your grid owners etc. Thanking you for your help in this.

Kris Patrick: odd.. 3 years ago

Regions have moved! Now can be found at

Please note Mintor & Aluga will be offline from 5pm (BST) today due to network maintenance. If all goes to plan they will be back up some time later tonight.

Mintor and other Quintonia regions are down for a network upgrade - should be back hopefully in about half an hour.

Community meeting
Where: Mintor
When: 4 years ago [31 Jan 2021 10:00 SLT]

Open meeting for all interested in Quintonia farming etc. In the Geodome

Have you tried all the rides in the recently opened fun fair?! You can also make snow angels and fire yourself up the hill from the cannon!

Just an update that there are some new items in the animals section of the welcome centre - come free shopping!

Mintor right now...

Tropical and arctic areas.

Mintor nature reserve

Mintor Art Gallery

The geodome meeting place.

Mintor open house
Where: Mintor
When: 6 years ago [15 Jun 2019 03:00 SLT]

Come along to Mintor to visit the nature reserve, petting zoo, farm, art gallery and more!

We will have information about Quintonia (Queer Virtual Worlds) including details of free homes and land.

Running from around 11am to about 4pm UK time.

Mintor art gallery

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7 minutes ago

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Reviews (4)
Overall Rating:
Emma Rose Cynal has done so much for Satyr Farm players and continues to do so! He is passionate with his work and welcomes your ideas. Mintor is beautiful with its nature reserve, and offers many great freebies too! One of my most favorite places in all of Opensim!
Disavowed Very good sim - but for some reason the tp is failing now every time I try to get in.....
Sing Smith The farming life is different from other virtual life activities but a worthy life. A very cool park and farm experience here. Brilliant system.

Region Comments

Hey Buzzy just checking on you. I hope you are well.
Fine thanks!!!!
Hi doesn't work (a link of a hud)

SatyrFarm Kitchen It is not in the Starter kit as you say on your website

My duck is starving lol

just to help)
For the duck (and any animal) you can click on it and select the 'Info' button to find out which feeder it eats from.
Thanks for pointing out the link, have fixed that now. The 'SatyrFarm Kitchen' is the cooking pot. You can see which item it is on this page
I can't get to the Mintor region. On the map it says "unknown."
does anybody else having trouble with the quintonia Q3 because the animal rezzer not working you get a script error on rezing the animals i`m not sure if its the grid i`m in osgrid
The entire website is offline and so are all their regions, according to this page, it shows as last checked 9 minutes a go, but my inworld map says no regions found with that name, and also the web address is down too.
Not sure why you can't connect as all seems okay to me. Website is and main region is at
( )
This place is wonderful make you have a daily life goal in world by farming an having growing a baby with care. i love the make an beta testing