Nettys Oasis

Nettys Oasis
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Home of the Cat's Meow Club in OGL. A special place to write and to get away from it all. Authors and poets welcome. Recently added a diner, saloon and outdoor venue. DJ Bob entertains us on Saturdays around 7:00 PM.

DJ Bob Entertains Tonight at the Cat's Meow--7:30PM
Where: Nettys Oasis
When: 4 years ago [13 Jun 2020 19:30 SLT]

It's time to dance the night away!
Dress vintage or formal.
Bring your dance partner.

May 23, 2020 -- 7:30PM grid time
on Netty's Oasis on Our Grid Life
DJ Bob @ the Saloon right now. Come join us!!!

If you love the oldies, poodle skirts and anything else 50s and 60s come join us.

DJ Bob Entertains Tonight at the Cat's Meow--7:30PM
Where: Nettys Oasis
When: 4 years ago [9 May 2020 07:30 SLT]

We love swing tunes and tonight you'll hear them. All open sim residents are invited. Dress is formal or vintage. Requests are taken.

Writer's Retreat on Netty's Oasis--6PM Our Grid Life time
Where: Nettys Oasis
When: 4 years ago [30 Apr 2020 06:00 SLT]

Luna will read a work in progress for our first literary night on Netty's Oasis. All writers and avid readers are welcome. If you'd like to read your poetry or latest novel e-mail Netera Landar at

Put on a t-shirt and jeans and head over to Netty's Oasis on Our Grid Life.

Seeking freebie contents from the designers for clothes and furniture to share with others at the Creative Angel store. Contact me here.

7:30 PM slt
Where: Nettys Oasis
When: 5 years ago [22 Feb 2020 14:29 SLT]

The Cat's Meow will be open Saturday, Feb. 22 from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. or longer. DJ Bob will present our favorite swing era tunes so dress vintage or casual.

Cat's Meow Club
Where: Nettys Oasis
When: 5 years ago [20 Jul 2019 00:05 SLT]

The Cat's Meow welcomes DJ Country Bob Saturday, July 20 from 7 to 9 p.m. OGL time. So all you Hotsy-totsy dolls, and rollin-in-money gents get your sweet little selves over to Utopia: hop:// Wear a formal or cocktail low prim .

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Region Comments

Netera has made a great niteclub here for us to dance the nite away!
Country Bob is spinning some great OLD tunes!
Great place for dancing ...
Love the group that turns out to dance the night away ... Beautiful Music too ...