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Added by :
Dolly Rotten
Created :
6 years ago
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My region is a fun project for myself, but everyone is welcome to hang out here or open a shop or home - message me if you'd like! I first joined SL in 2004 and am now enjoying having regions of my own to play with, thank you Kitely! I'm making my own town, named Hulwiz* and it's basically a "dreadful"** British suburban London town centre, made with all my love for those.

I started with the Thamesmead-inspired "Estate" - a Brutalist section, including an abandoned shopping mall, the gentrifying Hulwiz Market and the tatty old Arcade, with a light rail system. This area is where you'll find my original content for sale - textures, building kits, clothing, lingerie, corsets, hair, shoes, club decor and other stuff. Yes, we have freebies. :-)

The light rail runs into the "Old Quarter" and interchanges with the underground railway, which in turn meets the mainline at a grand terminus***. This area will be a jumble of period buildings and features. This area is still under construction but you can explore the structure.

Free store and residential land rental available. Feel free to use the undeveloped land as a sandbox - please just clean up after yourself. :-)

I'm here most days building if you want to come along and say hello or ask about living/working here. Message me!

Currently General rated as no adult content - AT THE MOMENT. :-) Consenting adults and retailers welcome, I'll just change the rating as it evolves.


* It's my own alternative modern version of the olde Saxon English names for Woolwich, capital and heart of SE London. (F*ck you, Lewisham.)

** "Today I visited Woolwich. It is a dreadful place." - genuine diary entry of Winston Churchill.

*** I'm going to try and make this an epic British Rail-era jumble of Victorian semi-dereliction and damp Brutalism, like old London Bridge in the 80s.****

**** There are no trains running. The most realistic aspect of my homage to SE London. #southeastern

Old brands at the ghost mall...

Closer view of the ghost mall. The concrete texture with ribs is from a photo I took of the Kirkgate centre in Bradford.

Here's my Brutalist ghost mall so far, view over the Arcade shops.

The concrete rib texture was made from a photo I took of the Kirkgate centre in Bradford.

Today I'm working on an abandoned mall...

London transport enthusiasts may find it either amusing or infuriating that I'm building my "deep tube" using the cut and cover method! Here it is all covered in now.

Today I have been working on my "old quarter", which will be a jumble of period properties.

It will also have several transport options! Here I am making sure my deep tube tunnel is to the right measurements.

My rail lines are scaled to standard gauge, of course!

Overall view so far...

I've started work on my "Old Quarter" - this will include an underground railway and a very SE-Londonish jumble of various period buildings and features.

Brand New Pop Up Shop - Disco Sue's!

Come along to Hulwiz town centre and visit a brand new store brand, featuring gorgeous and unique animated light panels, ideal for home or club.

Including seasonally themed freebies for Hannukah and Christmas!

Made a decorative panel, with a gorgeous bokeh light bubble effect.


Come and see them in world!

Promotional image for my store! Selected items currently 25% off on the Kitely Market.


Well, what's a row of local British shops without a classic hairdressers' pun???

New hair textures, new long hair wigs in loads of colours and new corsets all now available in world and on the Kitely market.


I'm about most days building and pottering, come and say hello!

Corset Emporium! In world or on the Kitely market.

I've been busy the last week or so! Here's a promo shot for my new hair range, available in world or on the Kitely market.

Here's where we are now - so much land to fill. :-)

My town centre continues to expand - currently working on a little arcade of shops.

I've added the first freebies to my shop :-).

I'll be releasing a lot of older content I made over the years that's still useful. Most of it was under the "Jezebel's" brand so I'll probably style it as "Vintage Jezebel's". Lots of lingerie and stuff to come.
I've been making hair!

also at: https://www.kitely.com/market/product/51616457/DR-Mesh-Hai...

It has a HUD so you can mix and match colours on the base and highlight parts of the hair.

I've added glazing to the house, but I've mostly been working on some hair! See next post...

Here's the basic structure of my house.

I'll retexture it as I go. Tonight, I also fitted the lift using the classic elevator script from https://www.outworldz.com/cgi/freescripts.plx?ID=1061.

Closer view of the beach corner.

Long View

Starting on my house today - I shall have a train station at ground level, and live in a brutalist box raised on piloti above.

September 2019

As at early September 2019 =)

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Oh wow, nice to see you here! I'll check out your region ASAP. Anyway, I bought a bunch of your Isabella and Mariella skins in SL. I love the Mariella ones, a mature alt of mine in SL uses it. :)
what a nice person, Miss DollyRotten. ty for bringing your stuff to os. hugs.
Thank you visiting Dee, hope to see you again soon :-)
Hi DollyRotten! I am here now checking out your region, you are off to a great start! This is going to be very nice, I will check back when you get more content I love to shop!
thank you =)