Free House Gallery II Adult

Free House Gallery II
Added by :
Rakis Heron
Created :
5 years ago
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Only the best works and characters find a place in this gallery. Architects that represent the free principle of Opensim.

Viewing the best works 1: 1. Enjoy the world of architects and their creations.
Find your dream home on a relaxed shopping spree. A place for free spirits, by free spirits.

For applications for a building, please send it to:
Governor Heron

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Last checked:
3 years ago

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Reviews (8)
Overall Rating:
Rakis Heron Thank you for all your nice words and like my house library ♥. It is a motivation for plant the next 1000 ;-) Today i set 50 new houses what i become. I must no more search the architects bring it. Including a few tasty treats like, The Lost Temple 1600 prim. Many new masterpieces by many artists wh...
rayne wonderful houses, buildings, commercial buildings and beach builds. Rakis has done a great job, lots of hard work involved in setting this up and he is kind and ready to help if you have any problems or questions !
ValkyrieSanngrior Great work, Amazing freebies, Top Content, Sharing is caring! Recomended!!!

Region Comments

I've always love your worlds, but if they no longer exist, then they should be removed from here. Otherwise people try to access it.
Great place
The builds are of sublime quality and the sims seem very low on lag what making walking around very easy.
I will come back to see more.
Like the whole place. Plenty of freebies. But the region keeps crashing up near the Eiffel Town. Tried many times but as you walk over the border the viewer crashes. Rest of the regions are fine with crossings.
Thank you Mike for nice words and the feedback: Most visitor dont have problems. But it sucks the PC its over 60000prim It can by helful if you go down with the draw distance eg. 100-300meter or one step down the grafic quality for the moment. near the Eiffel Town is nothing spetial what can crash you. Only you have to big draw distance your PC must load lot of detais. I think for some reason it sucks your PC to much. Please try it :-) And thank you for your visite.
Thanks Rakis. I will give it a try. Love the region.
Thank you Mike
In the beginning we had problems. From 25,000 prim, nothing worked, with 16GB memory and HDD. We now have 128GB memory and SSD. No problems with 62,000 prim. Business Internet synchronus up / down 1000MBite. Whoever crashes his FS or PC should think about a new PC and faster Interbet. Ask yourself how serious you are doing your updates. 98% of all visitors have no problem on our 162 Sim. :)
Am Anfang hatten wir Probleme. Ab 25'000 prim lief nichts mehr, mit 16GB Memory und HDD. Wir haben jetzt 128GB Memory und SSD. Keine Probleme mit 62'000 prim. Business Internet synchronus up/down 1000MBite. Wem sein FS oder PC crascht sollte über einen neuen PC und schnelleres Interbet nachdenken. Frage Dich selber wie seriös Du deine Updates machst. 98% aller Besucher haben kein Problem auf unseren 162 Sim. :)