Heaven on Earth

Heaven on Earth
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5 years ago
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jillys nest -womans and mens stores-fantasy club-beach

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WARNING: This is a Heads up : I have not been able to get on for some time so: To let you know.. a thief and habitual liar - who was never give authority by me or anyone that I know of. has gotten his hands on some/ if not at least one of my lands on pdg. Seems somehow this Thief/Habitual Liar : known as Sebastian/ Wesley ( pdg avatar- who has other avatars in various grids) was banned from my lands for defamation of character and habitual lying and bi passing secured areas using not legal means. Seems to be the name that was not legal to be on my lands, was placed by not me placed on my estate or estates. I don't know why the one person I banned and specifically /was explicit about not being anywhere on pdg ect. is now given access to all of my personal items. So, in the event you or anyone you know has tried to get to pdg... I am personally letting you know.. that something shady is goin on over there. So, while I been stuck offline.. they been up to some ..................The items that I put my hard work into on pdg ( party destination grid) are / were : Dominari, Wonders of the Jungle, Atlantis/ Combo and black Gryphon / azteca and fallen enigma/black land and manifest destiny , and a good bit of items in glamour welcome area and club 360 .. lands that were under my name - as co owner of the grid have been compromised.... So heads up people!
Great items, great people, friendly. The items that are for sale that are not free are great right now has standard and soon mesh i think is coming, large selection. More to see and do than meets the eye at first landing. So, happy.. :) yay