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(c)YaKa-Club International(R) Adult

(c)YaKa-Club International(R)
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Created :
5 years ago
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- Real Association Create in Secondlife.Since2007 with Real Duplex Real Dj since2008.
- Association loi 1901. N: W423006144(R)
Struggles for: Sidaction. Cystic fibrosis. Multiple sclerosis. Telethon. Donor Benefactor of the Red Cross in France. Rare diseases such as Angelman's disease. DJ Viktor Sponsor of many associations).
- Copyright protection Numéro : M468194.15-04-2009
- declared to the C.N.I.L 1382165.27 août 2009

Official Partners:
- PartyDestination Grid, L'Ombre de soit, Elo Créations, Stark Island, Zuzion Club...

Ho Ho… do you hear those squeaks in the attic? Those doors slamming? These curtains moving in the wind? Strange events are brewing ...
Quick ! Run over to greet the Halloween monsters who have met at the house. Put on your masks and ride your witch's brooms, the threat looms… On the YaKa Village Halloween........

Hello everyone I am announcing the opening of the halloween village in a sky box on partydestination, the taxi is waiting for you at the entrance of the yaka club where a skeleton will give you the lm so you can go there thank you and enjoy your visit :)
Duplex YaKa (Secondlife) feat YaKa (Party Destination Grid)
16.17 October 2020 with Live Facebook

Dj Kayele-Sonia (France)
Sandra Heart (Germany)
Lilis Rodriguez (Mexico)
DjArianna Nightfire (Italy)
Dj MAITHIAS (France)
DJ Chris (Italie)
Mellyssa Delta / Dj BlueAngel-Trance (France)

Other Dj's coming too ...

Event Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/events/740519730147273/

For help this ONG Partagence.org

(c) YaKa-Club International (R). Since 2007, will organize a Dj Marathon from October 16 to 18, 2020
We will broadcast on all our social networks, the goal is to give a little of our ♥.
Donations and volunteers for victims of natural disasters.
Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/740519730147273/

Contact: viktordovgal@gmail.com

Hello, after many sets in identical worlds. Today, Relax & Music in our Association. I will take control of (c) www.yaka-club.fr (R) from 06am.

Power&Heat Forever ♥

Limousine: partydestinationgrid.com:8002:(c)YaKa-Club International(R)
Our Association also has its Relax & Games section.
A Tillian Tree available for newcomers to Party Destination Grid.
We are happy to welcome you in this magnificent complex realized by my Excellent Niece Elo. A Club, a swimming pool for Pool Pary, two Islands to be Relaxed and soon one more surprise ... Thank you for supporting us. You are our Angels. (c) www.yaka-club.fr (R) .Since 2007
Welcome to our Association.
Born in 2007 on Secondlife and declared in 2011 in real life. I am called to all kinds of Humanitarian Action. Telethon.Mucoviscidose.Sidaction and fight with the LGBT community. (c) www.yaka-club.fr (R) is looking for Dj's or Singers. and his Team is recruiting. Contact us. viktordovgal@gmail.com

Facebook Association

Official Site. (c) www.yaka-club.fr (R)

Thank you for your support ♥♥

Come Pool Party with Spolder for the Fun

5 Peoples and 100ld for start
Video Facebook Live.


We have the Honor to inaugurate the Second concept made by my Excellent Niece Elo. Indeed,
Pleased to receive a Talent Group, Le Clan Escotia will come in concert from 02 pm to 23 pm in an Amerindian & Western Village setting.

We hope to see you there this September 14, 2020.

- Party Destination & L' Ombre de Soit, Official Partners ♥

The association of (c) YaKa-Club International (R) presents the second Pool Party of this gloomy Year of 2020. DjViktor in Freestyle will make you dream and vibrate with Happiness. All Style House Music will be in the spotlight.
After Cocktails & Dreams, Stark Island is Party Destination Grid's turn to be in Musical Joy and Guaranteed Orgasm.

- Party Destination & L' Ombre de Soit, Official Partners ♥

The Team is waiting for you from 01pm .. Come Many. ♫♫♫♫♫♪♥

(c)YaKa-Club International(R)

NEW ......
We are now a spolder by Steelman Enterprises Inc.
Good Luck ♥

After 1 hour of set in Japan, Viktor returns to Party Destination Grid (Our Partners) for an evening of Madness. From 12pm, The Association (c) The YaKa-Club International invite you to come and celebrate in Joy, Respect and Good Mood.

Spin with The ♥

Opensim Pro: https://opensimworld.com/user/DjViktorDjChaleur
Facebook pro: https://www.facebook.com/Dj-ViktorAgentPowerHeat-Compte-Pr...

Official Partner, Party Destination Grid


Official Partner: l'ombre de soit


Where: (c)YaKa-Club International(R)
When: 5 years ago [22 Aug 2020 13:00 SLT]

A Double-R party as we like them. Today, DjViktor takes control of Association (c) YaKa-Club International (R). Respect & Relax with a Freestyle House sound.
We love you and look forward to seeing you. We have a Pool area and two beautiful Islands to relax. A second concept to come with Soirée. Date still to be defined, but you can TP in Sky and travel to Amerindian and Farwest Country. Everything was done by my Niece Elo. Specialist in his field.
Poster made by Patie. Photos made by Ninie. The Team thanks you for your support ♥

♫♪Limousine♪♫ partydestinationgrid.com:8002:(c)YaKa-Club International(R)

Our FkickR

121 793 views Since December 2019

The YaKa-Club International (Founded in March 2007)

- The most developed and Ultra Fast Communication and Advertising Platform and Social Network in the world thanks to the "American game Secondlife"

- REAL / VIRTUAL duplex Mix specialist,
- Organizer of humanitarian events, Concerts & Private Parties

We are Specialist in Humanitarian Actions. We are quick in information and publicity.

Official Site (c) http://www.yaka-club.fr/ (R)

Page Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Le-YaKa-Club-International-106026...
Second concept: (c) YaKa-Western Land&Club (By Elo VitaKali)

An Amerindians corner accompanied by a superb Western Village. The whole Protect from Mountains. A Perfect reproduction made by my Niece Elo VitaKali. A Club is also planned for entertainment. Corners for Lovers. A concept that gives you a feeling of Serenity.


Yes Loco :)



Farwest Village

Second concept: (c) YaKa-Western Land&Club (By Elo VitaKali)

Power&Heat Forever (c) http://www.yaka-club.fr/ (R)

(c)YaKa-Club International(R)
also mixes for all Humanitarian actions. Sidaction. Cystic fibrosis. Multiple sclerosis. Telethon. Donor Benefactor of the Red Cross in France. Rare Diseases such as Angelman's Disease..Dj Viktor Sponsor of many Associations.
Bonjour et Merci encore pour la Party de hier. Un Maximum de Chaleur a etait a l'honneur. Je suis Fier de vous. Votre Bonheur est notre Force.

Hello and Thank you again for yesterday's Party. Maximum Heat was in the spotlight. I am proud of you. Your Happiness is our Strength.

Thank you for your Support

Album Mix Party 15.08.2020

By Ninie. https://myalbum.com/album/6yD9STTSTCRj

Thank you very Much
Picture By Patie

Power&Heat Forever Tour

A tour on OpenSim. Monday I'll be at Virtualreload. Tuesday I'll be at Cocktails & Dreams. Tonight I'm at (c)YaKa-Club International(R)-Start Music at 12h30pm

Kisses from France
Visiting (c)YaKa-Club International(R)-SwimmingPool.&.Island.Relax..

- Since2007 in Secondlife, Since2018 in IMVU, Since2019 in Opensim, Real Dj since2008; Association loi 1901.Since 2011. N: W423006144(R), Copyright protection.Since 2009 N : M468194, declared to the C.N.I.L.Since 2009 1382165, Humanitary, Duplex, Music, Respect, Happiness, Love.


(c).The Team.(R)
Friday 14.08.2020

In Secondlife, I share with you my Dj Permanences,
Duplex with Party Destination & (c)YaKa-Club International(R)

In Secondlife,
- 08.10am/17h.19h@TFZ Club (Belgium). Ess Boey
- 11am.01pm/20h.22h@Always Dance Club (Neerderland). Jaicya Albright
- 02.04pm23h.01h@Boom Room (USA) Lilis Rodriguez Ru Rox

Other Theme of (c)YaKa-Club International(R)

Power&Heat Forever♥

Where: (c)YaKa-Club International(R)
When: 5 years ago [13 Aug 2020 10:00 SLT]

Ce soir Party Destination & Le (c)www.yaka-club.fr(R) Presente Un Set de Folie par DjViktor.Agent.Power&Heat Forever. Start Party 10am.
Tonight Party Destination & Le (c) www.yaka-club.fr (R) Present One Crazy set by DjViktor.Agent.Power & Heat Forever. Beginning of the party at 10 a.m.

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Welcome to YaKa village halloween 2021,
Ho Ho… do you hear those squeaks in the attic? Those slamming doors? These curtains moving in the wind? Strange events are brewing ...
Quick ! Run to greet the Halloween monsters that have met in the house. Put on your masks and get on your witch's brooms, the threat is looming ... On the YaKa Village Halloween ........
Opensimworld Link: partydestinationgrid.com: 8002: (c) YaKa-Club International (R)
We wish you a good visit :) on Partydestination.grid
Creation Village: Elo VitaKali.
Owner YaKaclub : DjViktor YaKa-Club
je suis mort de rire 100 % club copybot de second life lol
WARNING: This is a Heads up : I have not been able to get on for some time so: To let you know.. a thief and habitual liar - who was never give authority by me or anyone that I know of. has gotten his hands on some/ if not at least one of my lands on pdg. Seems somehow this Thief/Habitual Liar : known as Sebastian/ Wesley ( pdg avatar- who has other avatars in various grids) was banned from my lands for defamation of character and habitual lying and bi passing secured areas using not legal means. Seems to be the name that was not legal to be on my lands, was placed by not me placed on my estate or estates. I don't know why the one person I banned and specifically /was explicit about not being anywhere on pdg ect. is now given access to all of my personal items. So, in the event you or anyone you know has tried to get to pdg... I am personally letting you know.. that something shady is goin on over there. So, while I been stuck offline.. they been up to some ..................The items that I put my hard work into on pdg ( party destination grid) are / were : Dominari, Wonders of the Jungle, Atlantis/ Combo and black Gryphon / azteca and fallen enigma/black land and manifest destiny , and a good bit of items in glamour welcome area and club 360 .. lands that were under my name - as co owner of the grid have been compromised.... So heads up people!
Thank you very much and your support.
I love you so Much ♥
DjViktor & Team YaKa-Club
I invite you to visit this place which is the YaKa club you will discover its club with its little corners as well as other surprises which is in the skybox so go see its surprises you must take one of the 2 tp which is located at your arrival enjoy your visit and have fun
Thank you very much for your Excellent and Great job. you are an Artist.
I Love you my Little Niece Elo♥
hello frero hug a toi avec gros kiss
Yay Hugs&Kisses welcome :)
on s'y sens bien au YaKa ♥
Merciiiiii grace a vous :)