
Craft World
Added by :
Rosanna Galvani
Created :
5 years ago
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It is a region dedicated to fine arts

DJ Arianna Nightfire Party
Where: Teti
When: 4 years ago [27 Jun 2021 13:30 SLT]

Party with lots of good music by DJ Arianna Nighfire

"I miei disegni" di Corsaro Nightfire
Where: Teti
When: 4 years ago [27 Jun 2021 01:00 SLT]

We at Craft, Museo del Metaverso and CARP, we are about to inaugurate another beautiful exhibition of drawings, made freehand. Even these, like those of Naomi Devil, have been photographed for imports into World.
The artist in question is Corsaro Aka Stiven Nightfire.
An exhibition not to be missed, Which will be inauagurated Sunday 27 June 2021, at 22.00 CET - 1.00 pm SLT.

Exhibition opening: Edie Horngold
Where: Teti
When: 4 years ago [12 Dec 2020 12:30 SLT]

Opening of the Edie Horngold exhibition, at MdM Gallery in Craft World , Opensim

Silvi nell'anima: mostra di foto d'epoca
Where: Teti
When: 4 years ago [9 Nov 2020 18:47 SLT]

Thursday 12 November 2020, at 12,30 PM PTD/SLT, we will inaugurate an evocative exhibition of vintage photos, on the second floor of the MdM Gallery, in the Teti region at Craft World Openisim.

Digital Art Exhibition
Where: Teti
When: 4 years ago [7 Nov 2020 12:30 SLT]

Opening of the exhibition of digital art works by Xtra Sour at MdM Gallery in Craft World-Opensim. The exhibition will be open to visitors in the immaterial world of Craft, from 7 to 30 November 2020.

Retro Concert + VJazz Improvvisation
Where: Teti
When: 4 years ago [1 Oct 2020 01:00 SLT]

Retro Concert by Josina Burgess and VJazz Collaborative Visual Improvvisation by Josina Burgess, Rosanna Galvani e Velazquez Bonetto.

Bamboo Barnes exhibition
Where: Teti
When: 4 years ago [1 Oct 2020 09:00 SLT]

Giovedí 1 Ottobre, alle ore 18.00 (9am SLT), avrá luogo l’inaugurazione della mostra di Bamboo Barnes
nella MdM Gallery a Teti in Craft Opensim. Insieme alla mostra sará inaugurata anche la MdM Gallery, struttura ideata e costruita da Raffaele Macis
. La galleria é ampia, luminosa, circondata e pervasa dalla natura, in adesione ad un concetto architettonico che si riferisce a quello dell’architetto austriaco Friedrich Hunterwasser, per quanto riguarda il rapporto tra natura ed edifici.
La mostra, inoltre, obbedendo ad uno dei punti del Decalogo delle Gallerie Virtuali di Mario Gerosa
, offrirá al visitatore l’opportunitá di interagire con le opere esposte. Non svelo di che si tratta, per non sciupare la sorpresa.
L’inaugurazione ci sará alle ore 18.00 in presenza dell’artista.
Alle ore 22.00 , vi aspettiamo al P_Art_Y #4, con VJazz improvvisation, a cura di C.A.R.P. (Cybernetic Art Research Project).

On Thursday 1 October, at 18.00 (9am SLT), the inauguration of the Bamboo Barnes exhibition will take place in the MdM Gallery in Teti in Craft Opensim. Together with the exhibition, the MdM Gallery will also be inaugurated, a structure designed and built by Raffaele Macis. The gallery is large, bright, surrounded and pervaded by nature, in compliance with an architectural concept that refers to that of the Austrian architect Friedrich Hunterwasser, as regards the relationship between nature and buildings.
Furthermore, by obeying one of the points of the Decalogue of Mario Gerosa's Virtual Galleries, the exhibition will offer the visitor the opportunity to interact with the works on display. I do not reveal what it is, so as not to spoil the surprise.
The inauguration will take place at 18.00 in the presence of the artist.
At 22.00, we are waiting for you at P_Art_Y # 4, with VJazz improvisation, curated by C.A.R.P. (Cybernetic Art Research Project).

Retro Concert + VJazz Improvvisation
Where: Teti
When: 4 years ago [19 Sep 2020 12:00 SLT]

JOSINA BURGESS RETRO CONCERT + VJAZZ improvisation 19 September 2020 Saturday 21:00 CET (12:00 PM PTD SLT)

Bolero Alien
Where: Teti
When: 5 years ago [6 Sep 2020 17:00 SLT]

Cybernetic Performance in two dates: H 17:00 CET and 21:00 CET (12:00 PM PTD SLT)

Surprise Party
Where: Teti
When: 5 years ago [29 Aug 2020 22:00 SLT]

Surprise Party with DJ Arianna

Concert in memory of the victims of Covid-19
Where: Teti
When: 5 years ago [8 Aug 2020 12:30 SLT]

"Lacrimosa" concert, celebration of the victims of the Covid-19

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