Magic Adult

Alternate Metaverse
Added by :
Cataplexia Numbers
Created :
3 years ago
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Mind & Body Magic~Musical Magic~Art & Creativity Magic~ Universal Magic~Sexual Magic~Love Magic~Shared Energy Magic ~Meditation Magic~Chakra Magic~Star Magic
Home of Chakras In Motion, The Seed, Club Magic, Club Stellar
& Star Fall - Catch & Ride A Falling Star
Magic and its colorful magical atmosphere was created by your humble Magician, Cataplexia Numbers, Alternate Metaverse Grid

Dreams, Dreamwalking & Meditation with Cataplexia 3-5 @ Magic
Where: Magic
When: 3 years ago [13 Mar 2022 15:00 SLT]

Dreams, Dreamwalking & Medtation is a class by Cataplexia Numbers in voice, 3-5PM Grid Time on 3/13/2022 @ The Seed Reiki Sky box on the region Magic. Come join me on an instructive journey through Dreams and Meditation! The Class lasts 2 hours and is in voice. Brought to you by The Koryphon Academy - Free Education in OpenSim

Sacred Love and Chakra Awareness - Two Classes in one Teaches Chakra Awareness on a beginners level -connecting couples and lovers on a much deeper level- Couples & Singles are welcome! Cataplexia teaches this class in Voice, you will need voice enabled to listen. Find out about Sacred Love, Twin Flames, Soulmates, Yin and Yang, Kundalini, Tantra and Chakras!


Where: Magic
When: - [30 Nov 1999 00:00 SLT]

Next Seed is 7/24/22 @ 11 AM
The Seed's Open Supportive Discussion meetings
meet Sundays at 11 am -1pm Grid time @ Magic
The Seed is a new avenue of Self Empowerment & Improvement,
Self Awareness, Relationships, Strengthening our lives and adding
to the positive energies of the world around us! It is all about you
becoming your best self possible with supportive guidance and
caring people.

The Opening Of Club Magic & Cliff's Birthday 11/20 1-4 PM
Where: Magic
When: 3 years ago [20 Nov 2021 13:00 SLT]

The region of "Magic" opens on a special day, just in time to celebrate the Birthday of Alternate Metaverse
Grid Owner, Clifford Hanger! Join us on Saturday, 11/20 from 1p-4pm in the belly of a giant hollow tree...Club Magic!
3 DJs will be bringing the tunes:
1-2 PM DJ Michael Webb
2-3 PM DJ Chris McCracken
3-4 PM DJ Cataplexia Numbers

We hope to see you there!

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