Lunaria Emporium - Main Store

Lunaria Emporium - Main Store
Wolf Territories
Added by :
Luna Lunaria
Created :
2 years ago
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Lunaria Emporium is Luna's main Gloebit store located on Wolf Territories Grid, where you'll find unique products created solely by Luna that can be purchased with Gloebits, or with other pay options through links to the Kitely Market.

The central store is large, with multiple rooms that include themes such as Christmas, Gothic, Vampire, Arcane Magic, Castles, Steampunk Airships, Medieval, Japanese/Asian, Greek and Roman, Statuary, Decor, freebies, large architecture in multiple styles, and large Venues.

Surrounding the central rotunda are large viewing parcels at ground level where you can walk through all of the structures available for purchase and experience the builds up close. They can be accessed by teleport boards, bridges, flying, or taking a boat ride.

There is a freebies section inside the central store with several items free to anyone. Also available for free are the Ruth 2.0 and Roth 2.0 mesh avatars with all available huds.

Important Note: Use Shared Environment and higher graphics to see the region properly. As you explore the various parcels, the sky settings will change to fit the theme.

Many of my products can also be found on the Kitely Market here:

You can also see my products on Second Life here:

Cherry Manga: Texture Queen! ❤️ 6 months ago

Having fun with a new project at the Emporium

Mistressdalgato: im now going to come and visit 8 months ago
The Majestic Entertainment Complex is now ready at my store Lunaria Emporium on Wolf Territories Grid. Outside of my home region of Luxor, this is the most ambitious venue I've made so far, and I've tried to put a lot of detail and value into the build.

There are two versions available: 1 - A Venue-Only version that includes the building itself, and 2 - a Full DIY version that includes the entrance pool area, trees, searchlights, one each of the furniture sets, and all the artwork. Everything is modify / copy. Eventually there will be a full rezzer version that will place out everything as it's set now.

Important Note: The scripts used to run the movie screen only work on Wolf territories Grid and are not included with the sale versions. The build is modify, so you can add your own to the build if you like.

I also welcome those of you who would just like to explore the build, and for you all the hanging artwork you see inside the building is free 🙂 HG Address is: Emporium - Main Store

Opensimworld doesn't allow for multiple shots in a post, so for full pics, see my Facebook post here: or on MeWe here:

Passion Jumanji: AWESOMELY FANTABULOUS! ;) 7 months ago

More fun with the new project

LeonitasLionheart: Awe-Inspiring! 7 months ago
Lunaria Emporium is my main store located on Wolf Territories Grid, where you'll find unique products related to architecture and decor in multiple themes.

The central store is large, with multiple rooms that include themes such as Christmas, Gothic, Vampire, Arcane Magic, Castles, Steampunk Airships, Medieval, Japanese/Asian, Greek and Roman, Statuary, Decor, freebies, large architecture in multiple styles, and large Venues.

Surrounding the central rotunda are large viewing parcels at ground level where you can walk through all of the structures available for purchase and experience the builds firsthand. They can be accessed by teleport boards, bridges, flying, or taking a boat ride.

There are freebies scattered throughout the central store with several items free to anyone. Also available for free are the Ruth 2.0 and Roth 2.0 mesh avatars and huds.

Important Note: Use Shared Environment and higher graphics to see the region properly. As you explore the various parcels, the sky settings will change to fit the theme.

Many of my products can also be found on the Kitely Market here:, but all items at the store are 20% off Kitely Market Prices, since Wolf territories is not taking 20% off the top of every sale. I pass on those savings to you.

Carmen Jewel: Looks impressive ! 4 months ago

Getting really close on wrapping this project up. Currently packaging everything and writing detailed instructions for the entire build.

Always push the boundaries

Wolf Territories Grid: Just wow. 8 months ago
Just finished a complete remodel of the store lobby at the Emporium and placed several new Art Deco pieces out for sale, including statues, a seating group, and a full bar. Pictured above is Bobby, a robot linked to chatgpt. In local chat, say his name followed by your question. He is very well-versed on Wolf Territories grid since Lone Wolf scripted him. Also, don't forget to grab your free copy of the garden pool in the center of the lobby.
After many requests, I've added a new Egyptian area to my store Lunaria Emporium on Wolf Territories Grid. Most of the large items are ready, except for the pyramid club which is nearly done. There are a few smaller items ready but there will be many more of those to come and some will be free. Click the Egyptian sign in the lobby to teleport there.

MaiseyMoon: Seeing this reminds me of the Neverending Story ♥ 3 months ago

I have a nice little collection of medieval fantasy items available inside the Main Store

Luna Lunaria: I am deeply humbled by everyone's kind comments and very appreciative 1 years ago

RemmyRavenhurst: Leo and i bought this build and that blue room is quiet stunning. 7 months ago

Free at Lunaria Emporium

IndigoQueen King: Perfect for my Angels and Ascended Masters Area!! Thank you Luna!! 9 months ago
This is the Castle display area at Lunaria Emporium where you can walk through them all. My first attempt at building in SecondLife 15 years ago was a castle and I never looked back. There three available for purchase in different styles and they all have multiple hidden chambers and passages to discover:

The Ceridwen castle, done in a fantasy/fairytale style in a silver and amethyst color palette with a special hidden room below

The Caerwyn Fortress complex, which is a massive, detailed fortress in the Norman / Celtic tradition with realistic 13th century textures. The fortress was inspired by the remains of Harlech Castle located in Harlech, Gwynedd, Wales

The Caerwyn Keep, designed with a smaller footprint in mind

A medieval covered stone bridge to match

There's also a partially finished Camelot Keep that I hope to get back to someday, but it is not currently available. All the castles are available on the Kitely Market here: and can be delivered directly to your inventory on your grid.

If you don't mind hypergridding, all venues are 20% off Kitely Market prices if you get them directly from my main store.

Gabriel_Solstician: Highly detailed buildings - Luna’s right, well worth visiting first, you won’t be disappointed! ☺️ 10 months ago
One-destination hypergate available at the store. Set it to any destination on your region, your grid, or on the hypergrid. Click the Egyptian sign in the lobby to get to the display. This photo is unretouched, taken using the new midday setting. To see it this way in world, use the latest Firestorm viewer 7.1.11 then activate the left-side mirror options in the graphics settings. Original gold textures will be seen if using the older FS 6.6.17 viewer and I recommend using shared environment in that case, since the old default midday will yield the poorest results.

Keeping with the current Mononoke theme since I love Miyazaki movies. This sakura cherry tree is sitting on the Japanese display area and comes with or without the kodamas.

There's a new group gift available for free inside the lobby at Lunaria Emporium on Wolf territories Grid. Look for the group kiosk on the right. Make sure to wear your group tag!

Pictured is a panoramic view of the entire Emporium region which is all at ground level, with Luxor visible beyond the Castles area. The central store is large, with multiple rooms that include themes such as Christmas, Gothic, Vampire, Arcane Magic, Castles, Steampunk Airships, Medieval, Japanese/Asian, Greek and Roman, Statuary, Decor, freebies, large architecture in multiple styles, and large Venues.

Surrounding the central rotunda are large viewing parcels where you can walk through all of the structures available for purchase. They can be accessed by teleport boards, bridges, flying, or taking a boat ride. There is a freebies section inside the central store with several items free to anyone. Also available for free are the Ruth 2.0 and Roth 2.0 mesh avatars along with the current huds and accessories.

Important Note: Use Shared Environment and higher graphics to see the region properly. As you explore the various parcels, the sky settings will change to fit the theme.

Many of my products can also be found on the Kitely Market here: and can be delivered directly to your inventory on your grid, but if you don't mind hypergridding, those same items are 20% off Kitely Market prices if you get them directly from my main store.
This is the main Roman display area, and you can walk through all the Roman structures here. This is one of several display areas at Lunaria Emporium at ground level surrounding the main store. Each area has a theme and has its own EEP sky setting to accentuate it. Make sure you have Shared Environment selected as well as higher graphics to see the shadows and materials.

You can reach this area by clicking the Roman sign in the lobby on the left side, or by taking the bridge, hopping a boat, or flying.

Safinemahoe2: Beautiful work my friend! 11 months ago

Another pic of the new Egyptian area at Lunaria Emporium. Gonna be packing a lot into this one.

Just completed a complete remodel of the Decor Room in the main store building at Lunaria Emporium. All furniture, Lighting, decor, and accessories have been fully updated and new items added.

I've already had a couple of requests from patrons to customize the main marquee sign from MAJESTIC to something unique to their region. I am more than happy to do this for anyone who buys the venue and will do so at no extra charge, so feel free to ask :-). Please keep the name at 9 letters or less so that it will fit nicely on the sign.

Many grateful thanks to those who have purchased the new venue. Your support and profuse compliments humbled me. Of course, I expect invites to grand openings and galas.

LeonitasLionheart: I thought of it, but i like the ring of The Majestic Theater/Cinema. We named the region Royalty, and plan to turn it into a wedding region on a 3x3, free for all to use. It might take us a few months... 7 months ago
At Lunaria Emporium on Wolf Territories Grid you can walk through and interact with all my structures, including the Victorian Club, a large entertainment venue / bar done in the late 19th century Gilded Age style, rich with texture and lighting. The venue is perfect for live performers, DJs, and any other large celebration or gathering, such as grid parties, birthdays, weddings, and anniversaries. Step inside to luxurious elegance and extravagant detail, from dark wood paneling and chevron wood floors, to gold chandeliers and paneled ceiling. A full bar greets you after you enter, complete with leather and wood stools, granite and leather countertops, brass taps, registers, glasses, and a variety of spirits. At the far end is a turn-of-the-century stage with Edison lighting. Along both sides by ornate carved columns you'll find plush leather chairs and cozy lighting. The entire build truly comes to life when paired with Shared Environment and higher graphics settings to bring out the material textures.

The Club began life 3 years ago on Utopia Skye Grid as the Fetish Fire Club where it is still used for fantastic music and light shows to this day. A slightly modified and larger version sits on Wolf Territories Grid as the Wolf Pack Club which is also in continuous use for various events.

The Club comes with a variety of extra accessories: a beautiful mesh vase with flowers, a variety of mesh glassware, a copy of the Victorian Seating group, and a copy of the Victorian Street Lamp.

There are 3 gold light switches inside the club that control 3 lighting areas. Two are located near the back of the club to the right of the stage on a wall: the top one turns on the chandeliers and the bottom one turns on the wall sconces. The third switch is on the middle of the bar and turns on the 4 bar lamps and undercounter lights near the stools. The scripts for the switches are NO MODIFY, due to a licensing agreement with the script creator. All other scripts and parts of the club ARE modifiable. This will cause the copy of the club in your inventory to show as NO MODIFY, but it's really only these 3 scripts that cannot be changed or looked at.

All chairs and stools use the AVSitter seating system and must remain linked to the build to ensure they remain working properly. While the AVSitter poses can be adjusted, no more can be added, but you can remove AVSitter and add your own seating system and animations if you like.

The Victorian Club is available on the Kitely Market here: and can be delivered directly to your inventory on your grid.

If you don't mind hypergridding, the Club is 20% off Kitely Market prices if you get it directly from my main store.

Joe Builder: Very nice :) nice textures I'm not one for the use of spec map to much but nice never the less. 10 months ago
After looking at the gold Buddha in the 360° snapshot from yesterday, I realized the gold can look much better so I retextured it. This is not pbr, it uses material textures, and adding lights around it will bring out the sparkle even more. This statue is free and can be found in the Asian room in the main store building.

Jerralyn Franzic: That's great! Neat to see it done without PBR. Not against PBR, but with the current engines SL and OS use, it slows things down so much, even with modern PC's because of optimization issues. Anyway, ... 11 months ago
This is the Asian Heritage room at Lunaria Emporium inside the main store building, primarily consisting of Japanese / Chinese inspired items. None of the pieces are intended to be historically accurate, just my personal take on the styles. The buildings displayed on the vendors can be walked through by clicking the teleport link under each one. Some of the items in the room are free, such as the golden Buddha and the lizard garden lamp. You can get to this room by clicking the Asian sign in the main lobby.

Mistressdalgato: I have a few of those pieces and can say its worth the money. 11 months ago
Explore the cemetery area at Lunaria Emporium. Click the Gothic sign in the lobby to experience a truly dark and mysterious build, and make sure Shared Environment and sounds are turned on. Featured on Octoberworld on Kitely by Storylink Radio.

LeonitasLionheart: I'm actually at this venue right now, on my own region, poolside, sipping a pink lemonade out behind the theater, chatting with a dear friend. Thank you for your lovely creations, Luna! I am so exci... 5 months ago

Safinemahoe2: Details make the difference! excellent work! 3 months ago
The Lotus Club is now available at the Emporium! Modeled after the original club at Luxor, this one comes fully loaded with accessories and can be modified and copied. The base size is 160m x 110m. Click on the Egyptian sign in the lobby to get to the display area.

Lunaria Emporium is back online

Explore the cemetery area at Lunaria Emporium. Click the Gothic sign in the lobby to experience a truly dark and mysterious build, and make sure Shared Environment and sounds are turned on. Featured on Octoberworld on Kitely by Storylink Radio.

Inside the small Menkaure Temple that's available at the Egyptian area on Lunaria Emporium

Xenon Darrow: I want to watch Casa Blanca in that thing Or maybe Metropolis! 5 months ago
All Decor has been permanently reduced half price. These are not my main business - venues and architecture are, but I create pieces to go with each of the structures as I work on them. Thought it would be nice to pull all these together in one place.

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Reviews (3)
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Safinemahoe2 Lunaria is a place that leaves me in awe. I simply cannot comprehend the hours that Luna has put into her builds. Lunaria is a great place to shop, but also just go for a walk and explore. I happen to own many castles, club house, lounge, haunted cemetery, Christmas decor, airship, color chan...
Fabyamy Quante cose bellissime,Lunaria sei sempre il TOP
Wolf Territories Grid One of the 7 wonders of OpenSim!

Region Comments

It's so refreshing to visit a region that has beautiful original mesh. Luna's work is impressive. I highly recommend stopping by.
Thank you Araminta :-)
Beautiful builds!
Thank you Chelsea, that was very kind :-)