
Craft World
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Beautiful region located in an archipelago of Craft World, in the Sea of Jack (the Bolina) and endowed with a very atmospheric old port, stores and especially home to the arts and cultural activities of the Metaverse Museum and CARP (Cybernetic Art Research Project). In the sim you can find many special things, from the Circus to the very original avatar store. Boats, clothes, plants and flowers, antiques, records and musical instruments, Yacht Club, international regattas, sailing and various courses. Artists , creators, galleries, art installations , events and good music. Exhibitions in place : Emerald in Water, Rage Darkstone installation, VOXEL 3 featuring the works of Cherry Manga, Terra Merhyem, Velazquez Bonetto, Fiona Saiman, Eva Kraai, Zimp Rexie, CapCat Ragu, Meilo Minotaur, Helissa Halasy, Tina Bey, Daco Monday, Lorenza Colicigno and Tonino Lane, Shellina Winkler, Monique Beebe, Paola Bianchi Mills, Tosha Tyron, Marlu Nic, Pat Baby, Gianni Spada , Mariposita Miami, The Imaginals, Duna Gant.

Bellissima regione situata in un arcipelago di Craft World, nel Mare di Jack (la Bolina) e dotata di un porto antico molto suggestivo, di negozi e soprattutto sede di attività artistiche e culturali del Museo del Metaverso e di CARP (Cybernetic Art Research Project). Nella sim potete trovare molte cose particolari, dal Circo al negozio di avatar molto originali. Barche, abiti, piante e fiori, antiquariato, dischi e strumenti musicali, Yacht Club, regate internazionali, corsi di vela e corsi vari. Artisti , creatori, gallery, installazioni artistiche , eventi e buona musica. Mostre in atto : Emerald in Water, Rage Darkstone installation, VOXEL 3 che ospita le opere di Cherry Manga, Terra Merhyem, Velazquez Bonetto, Fiona Saiman, Rubin Mayo, Eva Kraai, Zimp Rexie, CapCat Ragu, Meilo Minotaur, Helissa Halasy, Tina Bey, Daco Monday, Lorenza Colicigno e Tonino Lane, Shellina Winkler, Monique Beebe, Paola Bianchi Mills, Tosha Tyron, Marlu Nic, Pat Baby, Gianni Spada , Mariposita Miami, The Imaginals, Duna Gant.

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Sorry the sim was offline, now i update the bacon
i could not get to the place