Avalonia Plaza Group Access Only Adult

Avalonia Plaza
Group Access/Private
Added by :
Justin Ireman
Created :
2 years ago
Traffic Rank:
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An 18+ Adult focused Social Plaza. A place to hang out, chat, dance listen to music and have pub-type adult conversations. Not a 'safe space' snow flakes and the easily offended need not attend.

Private equipped BDSM skyboxes available if you need a place to get your kink on as well as large continuous ocean for sailing around the plaza. Avalonia is a Femdom friendly grid - you don't need to be into Femdom or a Mistress or a sub to be here, but please be mindful that this is our theme.

*-*-* Region Rules & Policies *-*-*
A region rules sign is visible in the plaza with a minimal of very reasonable set of rules - please take a look.
No Child avies - you will be asked to change or leave, if you return again in a child avi or refuse to change or leave you will be banned, but I will give you time to reply first.

We are UK based you will mostly find people here during UK/European time zones but visitors are welcome at all times.

Region is unavailable between 8:00am till 12:00pm GMT on a Friday morning weekly for maintenance/backups.
Daily Restarts at 8:00am GMT

*-*-* Banned Grids Policy *-*-*
Please click this link to read our grid ban policy

Region Status:
Avatars in region:
Last checked:
22 minutes ago

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Region Comments

Apologies had a few issues with the beacon and access the last week after an OAR reload. The region has been online the entire time but the beacon reset so was showing the region offline and for some reason public access reverted to private only. This has been rectified and sorted.