ValLands Adult

Fantastic stuff here. It's all nicely done but the rental system is the best I've ever seen. It's "THE" rental system to use in OpenSim - and as good as any I've used in Second Life too. Not in a position to donate - but I can and will give my respect to the work that's been done on this. Amazing job, thanks Val :)
So many great items in the shop, and the Glossy Islands is beautiful
I am unable to get to this region, be it from OSGrid or from any other grid, even with a different viewers. I always get a "connection between viewer and destination region could not be established" message. Would love to come by and see the shop!
Incredible work! Lovely region.
Hey Everyone Come and check out Ms Valerie store some awesome stuff please leave a comment and LIKE the store
The NPC companion is amazing, such a great work!
Photo Studio doesnt work
NPC Companion doesnt work
Thong doesnt work
Teleporter doesnt work
All of those items worked for me right out of the box. Plus, if you have issues, Val is happy to help. Surely you asked for help before posting this review, right?