Trianon World Welcome Adult

Trianon World Welcome
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2 years ago
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Tired of losing assets on unreliable grids? Frustrated by long rez times? Come Live on Trianon-World, one of the most innovative and fastest-growing grids around.

In just one year, we've climbed into the top 10 grids on Hypergrid Business for traffic, and the best part we are staying there after 2 years. Our hands-on owners and friendly staff welcome new residents with open arms. Powered by the latest server technology, Trianon-World offers a seamless, reliable experience – no more lost assets or endless waits to rez.

Come see for yourself! With our competitive pricing, Trianon-World - Crafting your reality, one step at a time

May your Valentine's Day be filled with joy and romance as you celebrate with your cherished loved one.

Walking in a Winter Wonderland over at Trianon-World Welcome.. a beautiful romantic ice skating rink in the back with all the games ( the roller rink is away for the winter)

MidnightRain Glas: that is so pretty, cant wait to see it \ 2 months ago
come to Greedy Fun and pick up the brand-new Goren Greedy table. Masters its for your subs to play with and just think of the fun you can have with them while they are on the crosses Fun
Hello beautiful Spring! The sun is shining, the flowers are blooming, and joy springs eternal. Trianon-World opens its doors to the season of rebirth and new beginnings. Happiness blossoms from within each of us as we embrace the warmth and light. So come, join us and let your spirit soar this Spring. Trianon-World welcomes you with open arms and joyful hearts! World Welcome
This Grid has followed suit with other grids in banning Darkheartsos grid from accessing Trianon-World. Im sure the reasoning behind it will be clear to some of you who run adult grids, it's over run with children and adults who abuse them. Over the past few months, I have banned some adults based on profile pictures and wording. I'm not saying everyone from there was bad, but I don't want them on my grid. If you are from there and wish to dispute your access being denied, write to me here in private and plead your case

Aurora Starchild: If that makes you feel better, and you feel like smaller avis (not children, but avis) from the grid are safer if they don't go to Trianon - that's your choice and one to be respected! All I have to s... 1 years ago
It's New Years Eve across most of the world. Some are already into 2024, others aren't far behind. It's time to reflect on all that 2023 brought and to look forward to 2024 surprises.
From The Trianon-World World grid to all friends old and new, we wish you a Very Happy Safe and Prosperous New Years

Essensual McMahon
Adani Raven
and all the residents of TW

thedeeferry: Thank you, Essensual. The same is wished for you and yours. 1 years ago
Christmas has come to Trianon-World Welcome. Come enjoy the Roller Rink and games area and enjoy listening to the sounds of the Sugar Plum Fairy as the toy band plays, and Clara dances for you. Say Hello and a Seasons Greetings. Hope you have a great Season and make Trianon your new home. Half Price Land Sale in December.
looking for something different to do on a date tonight ( or any day or night) Come visit GLIDE Roller Rink at Trianon-World's welcome region. Not only do we have skating but also games to play.. Some are unique to the Trianon-World. World Welcome
Now Open at Trianon-World Welcome.. a D.I.Y Photo Studio. Come take a profile picture on one of the 135+ backgrounds. If you need help just page Essensual for a hand, or make an appointment for her to photograph and finish a portrait for you

Check out the Land Sale for June

Summer has come to Trianon-World

and if you get tired have a seat at the greedy table or just enjoy one of the many games around.

Looking for something different to do with your date tonight, or tomorrow, Come down to the Trianon-World Welcome and have some fun roller skating. Many skates to choose from, Ribbon Particles and AOs,

Spring Has Sprung

into 3rd hour and still more to come.. come on down and enjoy new years on Ice

its the time of year to give thanks to all my guests and friends over the last years, its been a rough ride trying to find a home that can perform good enough for you to enjoy the music and the dancing and not worry about rezzing.. Im sure you will be happy to hear we have moved to our own grid. So please come out and support us.
December 14th is out Grand Opening and Christmas Gala.. 2 Live Singers, and some PMAC and SF Poser Displays to music with DJ Essensual.
Hope to see you soon

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LaurenT Over the past year, I've been a regular visitor to the vibrant Trianon World. I've witnessed the stunning seasonal transformations of the welcome region, from the lush greenery of the Four Seasons to the festive holiday decor adorning the space for Halloween, Christmas, and beyond. Essensual, your t...

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