Stark Causeway Adult

Stark Causeway
Added by :
niki stuart
Created :
2 years ago
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STARK CAUSEWAY is a mainly residential (for Zetaworlds residents only) sim on a tropical islands theme.

There is also a superscuba diving exoerience available to explore the sunken mines, and a further attraction is the UNDERWATER PANTHENON which is used for events on occasion.

Come and explore.

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not sure why but when i hop over to their lobby/landing point firestorm kicks me out and i have to relog. Have not noticed that on other grids. Maybe it's just a temporary issue.
Does this happen on other ZetaWorlds sims? All ZetaWorlds sims perhaps?

What grid is your avatar registered on? Your own grid? Is it a DreamGrid? If not, does it run on dynamic DNS?

ZetaWorlds denies access to any and all avatars from DreamGrids. That's because ZetaWorlds blocks a) grids that don't offer any information on how to contact the admin other than in-world (DreamGrids don't) and b) grids that don't have fixed IP addresses (DreamGrids don't).

Instead of actually blocking access, however, ZetaWorlds first sends you a DM about why you aren't allowed to enter and then logs you out by force.
I don't use DreamGrid. I have static ip with my own DNS servers. I can put contact info, where do I put it? lol. I never received a DM. Anyway, there's lots to explore in OS, i will come back and check later! thank you.
oooh i think it is ZetaWorlds. I just tried to go to an event there and the thing about Gloebit popped up. I just bought 2500 Gloebit because many of the grids i've gone to accept it, so I thought i would try it out. Anyway, after that popup i just kicked me out of Firestorm totally with the dark screen that says "you have been logged out, view chat" whatever. So it's like maybe ZetaWorlds has a paranoid firewall thing and kicks out "good" customers or maybe i'm not a good enough customer lmao. I'll just avoid ZetaWorlds i guess unless you say it's fixed. it's just annoying to get kicked out lol. good think was that there was another event at the same time so i relogged and went over there, yay.
hmmm very strange, please let me know if it happens again, thanks