Steam Sky

Steam Sky
Free Land
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2 years ago
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On the north eastern sector of the Bountiful Continent, in Neverworlds lies a few
regions that evoke an earlier time period, when telegraphs were common and there were nice big
grimy buzzing poles that transmitted them as well as the few telephones from the time.

Introducing Steam Sky, a residential sim that is directly attached to Free Port in Neverworld. To the south are part of the wastelands. We don't do fairy castles here, we keep it real.. somewhat.

Steam Sky has home parcels for free for Neverworld Grid members. Parcels are large, around 12K meters each with a generous 5K prim limit. Please keep your builds in the Edwardian/steam theme. Airships and steam ships allowed. Skyboxes over 1000 meters. All welcome to visit. Why does everyone come to Neverworld to live? Visit and you will find we are the most beautiful grid in the metaverse who has a NO DRAMA policy.

We have some swanky townhouses, or Victorians, and some cushy flat free parcels of 10,000 meters or more. Free. 5000 prims Neverworlds 2500 hypergridders.

Maybe Paris after the Great-Rust of 1898.

Maybe Paris after the Great-Rust of 1898.

Redesigned by our dear Pip we have a stock of ready to burst dirigibles. Ummm.. something like that :)

Looking towards Free Port our urban steam build

Looking towards Free Port our urban steam build

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