Samsara Adult

Alternate Metaverse
Added by :
Yana Dakota
Created :
1 years ago
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Want to explore meditate, being zen, or just just relax, or hang out at the port, get a house for living in a asian environment? Only for AMV Residents ofcourse. Want to learn how to meditate? Or listen to the last channeling by Blossom Goodchild with the Galactic Federation of Light come over to Samsara, we have it all. Walk or TP to the Dhamma Hall and follow all the streams and teachings by S.N. Goenka himself. Hop over and take your time to look around and have questions about this beautiful region, do not hasitate to contact Yana Dakota for more information. Namaste

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26 minutes ago

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Reviews (10)
Overall Rating:
ChiChi Cutey full 5 Stars for that wonderfull created Region. Samsara is really worth a trip!! So many wonderful Spots to hang out and just relaxe with nice Sounds and a lot Spots to see and stand for a while.Samsara is one of my Fav. Places if i need a break of stressfull works,just sit some where there or do f...
LeyreSansa1 Es un lugar excepcional, divino, yo no me iria de alli, el trabajo que hay ahi es muchisimo. De verdad ir a verlo, es algo no podeis dejar de conocer. No tengo palabras, solo que me quedaria alli siempre.
Gates While I am new to this platform, I am not new to virtual worlds or the amazing builds that are possible in Opensim. I have never seen anything quite like Samsara. Every view has been carefully considered, and every object placed with reverence and respect to the cultures depicted in the film from wh...

Region Comments

Your Japanese-themed region is absolutely beautiful! I have been enjoying creating the Japanese theme too. I find a certain peace when I am working there, best wishes.. i do love the outfits you have chosen for the avatars on your sim.. i enjoyed the time i was there
Samsara is one of the best regions I have seen. Even if you don't stop to meditate, it is so relaxing just walking around, you can't help but get lost in relaxing. Awesome job Yana, loved it and will be back many times.
Thank You all for the nice reviews, It´s highly appreciated. _/\_ Namasté