Whispering Waters Adult


Whispering Waters
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3 months ago
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The Whispering Water Community sounds like a wonderful place! Imagine a serene island setting with small houses nestled among lush greenery and surrounded by calm, whispering waters. Seagulls fly overhead, adding to the tranquil atmosphere.
This community could serve as the perfect retreat for those looking to escape the hustle and bustle of city life. It offers activities that promote a friendly environment where neighbors know each other and work together to maintain the beauty and peace of their surroundings.The price range is free (1000 Prims) for those who wish to experience community life. Amenities include a lovely community pool and a formal restaurant exclusive to residents. To find your home for rent, please contact the admin, greeter, or elder to get your tag today. You must be a member of the grid. Thank you, and we hope to see you soon! Please remember to read the rules to keep your home .hop://gentlefire.opensim.fun:8002/Whispering%20Waters/128/...


Welcome to Whispering Waters,
a concept neighborhood based on community, friendship and respect,


Whispering Waters of Gentle Fire Grid, a place based on community, friendship and respect of it's residents. Like other locations across OpenSim, Whispering Waters provides free housing for it's residents as well as community amenities such as:

Welcome to Whispering Waters, this is the first place you land when visiting our town!
Here you will find information, our teleporter, access to our beautiful homes and a few surprises!

► OSurl: 􀀅
► HyperGrid: hop://gentlefire.opensim.fun:8002/Whispering%20Waters/65/1...

Here you can find the "rental" information for Whispering Waters as well as renew your use of your homes.
There is a list of rules for Whispering Waters as well. 􀀄

Mentor Street contains Online Boards for Staff Members to provide easy access to get help, report issues and just say hello. Staff Members include:

► Adore Mint: 􀀃
► HoneyOG Maj3sty: 􀀂
► Lynne Lundquist: 􀀁

1. Find the home you like, click on the mailbox to rent the home.
2. Check the mailbox to make sure you name is on it.

1. To renew your lease, go to the rental office. 􀀈
2. Click on the house number to renew it.

NOTE: You must renew your lease every 7 days!

► Social Gazebo: In the main park of Whispering Waters, you will find a place to sit around the fire, relax and chat.
► Entertainment Gazebo: The theater seats 12 and play youtube videos, including movies, videos, etc.
► Greedy: a place to play Adore favorite game, Greedy! Where a roll of the dice can make a big difference!

Curious as to who is visiting our community?
The visitor board will show the last 20+ visitors to Whispering Waters.

One of the beautiful things about Whispering Waters and Gentle Fire Grid is that we all sincerely care about our residents, and that involves taking care of our home and our residents. Here you can donate to our family and help us stay alive! Release those balloons!

Here are Whispering Waters there are 12 homes offered to the active residents of Gentle Fire Grid (GFG).
Each home has been chosen for it's theme and the space granting the ability to create a home that you can be proud of.
Luxury homes and pristine lots allow for carefree decorating and ease of living.

The homes include the following amenities:

► Plenty of Space (1000 prims)
► Beautiful Landscape (Predesigned, Terraformed and decorated)
► Luxury Homes (Mansions, Manors, etc.)
► Privacy and Security (Residents of GFG only)
► Private Islands (teleporting required)
► Full Staff Support

We even have a model home for you to check out! 􀀀
This home is owned by one of our residents: Annah Gestaga and offers a quick shopping list of household items that include, but is not limited to: (current update: Jan 2025 - 􀀆)
► R. Lion
► Dwell
► Flora
► Arkham Grid
► Mare Grid
► Furniture Vault
► and more...

HoneyOG: Omgggg that is beautiful!!!! 2 months ago

Good morning! whisper water is Back and well alive, if you Join the Grid your more than welcome to have a Home there, stay safe and welcome to Gentle fire Grid a Place to call home .

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