Birch Grove Spring

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Because we're all about the food at Birch Grove Spring! I made/arranged (a clever person at Sketchfab named Moonlian actually made the waffles) some In Norma's Diner by the Train station if anyone's wishing for some.

Frank Hurt: Dang it, now you have me craving waffles! I can almost smell them! 4 days ago
The Grove Bistro is a freebie little restaurant anyone can come and copy/buy for 0 on Birch Grove Spring. A while back I found both this cute little building (on Klamotto region) as well as a really cool collection of food on Sketchfab from a RL restaurant. I have been meaning to make a restauant combining both elements. Be aware there are some separate parts. The tables are LK from the Moonlight series and they have all the plates in them. I didn't like the square plates the originals came with so it's all on some classic round plates made by Sunny from OpenSimCreations. It was sorta supposed to be for Valentines day but the time got away on me so it's just for anytime and a cool place for your avs to go pretent to Not everything is free to copy/buy for 0 if it came from other creators and the perms were not so. Beside the cemetary and behind the Afree Hair Salon. Enjoy!

Marianna : I wanted to come and see and so happy that I took some time out to visit. What touched me most is how you’ve made it a welcoming space for everyone, ensuring inclusivity for those with disabilities. ... 6 days ago