The other system I mentioned which is just a bunch of scripts from outworldz will allow you to generate the appearance from your avatar, then using the inbuilt recorder you can make it walk from where it spawns to a location then play animations or sit on objects. You can program it to say things, and change its outfit if you made more then one appearance note card.
You could make it walk into a changing room, then change into a new outfit, then walk back out and do something else.
When you have recorded a list if things for it to do, I will put the list in a note card and you can then see how the commands work, and add some more without having to rerecord the whole thing. All the commands were on the website i linked to.
in the end I found it easier to just write out the note card manually if it didn't involve making a path to walk along.
I ultimately ended up using the chat command script to listen for commands, and made a script say things to control the NPC. I made a script with a sensor to detect when an avatar was nearby and the script would say a bunch of commands to make the NPC do stuff.
NPC's are frustrating to figure out, but its quite satisfying when you finally get them to do things in a convincing manor.