
Alternate Metaverse
Added by :
Cataplexia Numbers
Created :
7 years ago
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Meow-home of The Cats Meow - Creations, Fascinations and Modifications by Cataplexia Numbers, Co-Owner of Alternate Metaverse Grid - Unique Fantasy gifts, Furnishings, Home Decor, Outdoor decor, Statues, fountains, Wedding and Party props, Landscaping, trees, flowers, waterfalls- Originals & Mod Creations! A huge 5x5 VAR filled with Free content!

PLEASE NOTE- Textures By Numbers & The Cat's Meow Fashions have a NEW HOME on the region "By Numbers" here on Alternate Metaverse Grid Numbers

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10 minutes ago

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Reviews (2)
Overall Rating:
Milly Money You simply MUST come see these creations. Unspeakably unique and beautiful!! Thank you for all of this!!
Debra Ann Congi You have the most gorgeous stuff in open sim and you offer it all free. You have a big heart and your sooooooooooooooooo generous. Thank you for all your freebies and all the hard work you put into making these beautiful builds for everyone. BIG HUGS

Region Comments

your breathtaking creations have graced several of my regions.

I don't have the words to even describe the gorgeousness !!

Thank you, thank you, for all you have created and so freely shared with us all.
Thank you so much Etheria, What a lovely comment..i am a tremendous fan of yours as well! Through Lorin Tone I extended an invitation to you that if you ever wanted to sell content on my grid I would not only welcome you but give a free place for you to do that...the offer still stands :D
Oh thank you so much!! I will definitely keep that in mind! I appreciate that very much :)
I have to agree with
SamaraBop I have visited this region a few times and totally enjoyed each visit. I was just wondering though if you plan on releasing any new content?
After coming to a conclusion that I wanted alleviate some stress and at the same time have some fun shooting zombies, I decided instead to focus my energy toward exploring and to see what else the creator had made. I am so glad that I did. After wandering around in other remarkable regions created by her, I came into this one and was absolutely stunned with how amazing it is. This is an absolutely gorgeous region, that everyone needs to explore :) Thank you so much for creating it, wandering through the region was very relaxing, and I enjoyed every moment of it. Surely, the world is no safer from the zombie apocalypse but it can wait :) I'll get them later
Thank you so much for this! Hugs!
As a lover of fantasy I was totally blown away at the beauty of your region! You have done an absolutely amazing job of what you have created there! Everyone must come see this awesome place! The pictures just do not do it justice! Lots of cool freebies here! Cataplexia you are an amazing builder! Keep up the good work!
What a nice comment Destiny, thank you so much for that and the gold coins! I was pleasantly surprised to find both!