IMA Outpost Alpha

IMA Outpost Alpha
Added by :
Lisa Laxton
Created :
7 years ago
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IMA Outpost Alpha is a celebration of creative commons in Open Simulator. Dedicated to the community with content built by the community with attribution, it contains: Magnolia Gardens; Meeting Areas; Freebies; a Mariner's Museum; Beaches; Heliports; a Breakwater Raceway; Jetskis; Sailboats; Powerboats; Jetbikes; Interactive Games; a Zombie Zone (Combat); a Farm Zone (Group membership required); and a Party Zone available for events with full lighting controls and DJ board. This immersive region size (1024m x 1024m) is equivalent to 16 standard regions but it does contain some teleports and teleport panels to help you get around the region. For best experience, we recommend you use region windlight, auto play media, auto play music, and turn up sounds while exploring. There is a group join object inside the cabin. Have fun and Welcome! Willkommen! Bienvenue! Bienvenidos! Benvenuti! Bem-Vindos!

IMA Infinite Metaverse Alliance Open Simulator Opensim Help Testing Development Educational Research Collaboration Cooperative Teaming Working Groups Resources Technology Science Engineering Math Satyr Farm

We had a lot of fun at the 2017 Xmas Time! Thank you to Rosa Alekseev for organizing and bring in some great entertainers too! Thank you to Aussie Envee, Lark Nocturne, and Tom Southmoor for a great show. :) Check out the photos!
The Farm Zone has been converted to public access. What does that mean? Avatars no longer need to be a part of the IMA Outpost Alpha group to be a farmer! This is in part a test of public communal farming across the Hypergrid. We successfully tested Shawn sharing a storage bin with this region's farm for communal participation :) If you would like to know more about how you can participate, just ask!
IMA's Xmas Time
Where: IMA Outpost Alpha
When: 7 years ago [21 Dec 2017 15:00 SLT]

Tomorrow, Dec 21, 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM Eastern Time Outpost Alpha

Holiday celebration featuring DJ Aussie Envee, DJ Rosa Alekseev, Singer Lark Nocturn, and DJ Tom Southmoor hosted by IMA. All are welcome!

Plastichansa Bade dropped off two gifts for Christmas that inspired decorating the region for the holidays. Feel free to drop by anytime! Every Wednesday and Friday we have public meetings and get togethers in this region. Today, we have a meeting scheduled for 4:30 pm Eastern Time. Please join us!

Here is the IMA Event Calendar with all our meeting times and locations (subscribe in the lower right corner of the calendar to automatically convert to your time zone and get reminders):
TeamIMA (the IMA Outpost Alpha group) can now contribute to the effort in the new Farm Zone thanks to Satyr and help from Timber Wolfe! A dedicated Farm Zone parcel has been deeded to the group so join up to have some fun :) WARNING: it's addictive!

The preliminary planting is done, trees are in, water systems are in, and we have a goat couple and a reindeer couple to get started - more to come but please do not plant outside of the dedicated dirt plat to keep the region performing well for everyone!
The region now has a new Zombie Zone! Avatars can hunt and shoot zombies 24/7 without needing a HUD or extensive weapons thanks to some modifications of the Zombie Kit from Ares Halostar. Be careful - errant shots at you by other avatars hunting will result in health damage that could teleport you home anywhere on the Hypergrid if you don't stay clear of the line of fire. :)

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Last checked:
8 months ago

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Reviews (3)
Overall Rating:
Cataplexia Numbers I just finished DJing here- What a great group and atmosphere! Loads a bit slow but that's nothing in the scheme of things...this group is all about Community and sustainability in the virtual world, very professionally managed AND throws great parties too!- Cataplexia Numbers
OSFest Thanks to IMA for making opensimfest happen in 2022
AussieEnvee Its a great club and has some fantastic DJ's every month, its a must see site.

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