Wyldwood Bayou Rockin' The Blues

Wyldwood Bayou Rockin' The Blues
Added by :
Kith Whitehawk
Created :
7 years ago
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Wyldwood Bayou Grid, home of Rockin' the Blues, Hot Daddy's The Bayou Belle, Lady Blue and the Brigantia and Ravenquest Roleplay Groups is a destination grid for the residents and visitors to come to enjoy! We have musical events at our main and specialty venues, two wonderful roleplay groups and a sports and recreation region with tons of things to do! As a destination grid, our registration is open to staff only. We don't allow child avatars or nudity out of respect for everyone. Come visit! Come on down Saturday through Monday for great fun, friendship and music! Come along any time to explore Wyldwood Bayou Grid!!

Check out our website! You can see all of our venues and roleplay groups and check "What's On" events calendar for gridwide events for a month or more in advance! Let us know what you think!

Blues Music, Dance, Party, Bayou, New Orleans, Carnival, Riverboat, Mardi Gras, Club, Friends, Costumes, Masks

DJ Emma weaves her magic out of Ontario, Canada, her signature style sweet smooth blues with just a bit of naughty. Emma knows her stuff and plays great blues, so join us on the Bayou for the best in Blues with DJ Emma!

DJ BlueLou broadcasts from the "heartland" of the U.S. His sets are a welcome blend of blues... a little romance, a little soul, a little old school and always a lot of fun! Come on down to the Bayou and warm yourself with fun, friendship and great blues with DJ BlueLou and the Blues Tribe

Join our FRISKY, FUN FANTABULOUS DJ FANTA aboard the Bayou Belle as she spins the blues for you from the UK! Fanta is a firecracker, mixing it up with rockin blues, old blues, soul and funk. You can ALWAYS count on a hot time on the Bayou when DJ Fanta takes the stage!

When DJ Kith spins, it's like a box of chocolates. Ya never know what you gonna get! Whatever he plays we guarantee it will be fresh, sweet, and full of surprises! Might be blues, might be blues-ish, might be bluegrass or other roots music. If you like your blues with an “edge” come on down to the Bayou for fun, friendship and great music with DJ Kith!

DJ Rand is a southern boy who takes his title and his cue from his RL experience as a MC Road Captain. He plays an eclectic mix of blues from Chicago, to the Delta, to the swamps of Louisiana. And he doesn’t stop there! So come on down to the Bayou and let the Blues Captain take you for a ride along the Blues Highway!

Tonight we're gonna Rock the Blues DJ Kira style! Broadcasting from the northwest corner of the U.S, Kira brings an eclectic selection of Blues from old scratchies to pushing-the-boundaries contemporary and everything in between! Come on down to the Bayou and find YOUR blues with DJ Kira and the Blues Tribe!

This soft-spoken DJ enjoys the softer side of blues but man oh man can she rock the blues as well! Macy is a relatively young DJ with an old blues soul. Come on down to the Bayou tonight for fun, friendship and great blues with DJ Macy and the Blues Tribe!

DJ Emma @ Lady Blue 6:30 - 8:30 pm
Where: Wyldwood Bayou Rockin' The Blues
When: 6 years ago [26 Oct 2018 18:30 SLT]

It's them "last-Friday-of-the-month Dirty Blues” with DJ Emma! Lots of innuendo, double entendre and some X-rated song lyrics and outright fun! So if you feel like some blues — not just any blues — but those down and dirty, sultry, sometimes funny, always naughty homespun dirty blues, join us tonight at N’Awlins Lady Blue and bring your requests! (Dress-up event, and no child avatars).

Tonight it's the FRISKY, FUN, FANTABULOUS DJ Fanta's Choice @ Hot Daddy's Dance Dock, and she's going Retro on us with some of her favorite pop music from the '80s! Fanta is a firecracker, whatever genre she plays, so put on your dancing shoes and come on down to Hot Daddy's for fund, friendship and some great tunes!

DJ Pops, Hot Daddy's 6:30-8:30 pm
Where: Wyldwood Bayou Rockin' The Blues
When: 6 years ago [15 Oct 2018 18:30 SLT]

Tonight DJ Pops brings you a set he calls "This and That...ramblings from the Demented Mind of DJ Pops and the music his voices tell him to play." What more can I say...it's Hot Daddy's! Join us on the Bayou for fun, friends and well....you heard it straight from the mouth of DJ Pops!

Tonight we do it up big at our last Road Trip to the Voodoo Theater. This amazing build by Nyx Breen is the perfect setting for a Halloween Party to showcase for DJ Kira's favorite devil's music! So put on your very best Halloween costume and come on down to the Bayou for an evening of festivities, fun and friendship with DJ Kira and the Blues Tribe!

Where: Wyldwood Bayou Rockin' The Blues
When: 6 years ago [29 Oct 2018 18:00 SLT]

Tonight will be our final road trip to the Voodoo Theater, a perfect setting for our Rockin' the Blues Halloween Party! This build by Nyx Breen, will showcase your Halloween costumes and DJ Kith's spooktacular music to perfection! So put on your Halloween costumes and join us at Voodoo Theater on Lost Bayou for an evening of festivities, fun and friendship with DJ Kith and the Blues Tribe!

DJ Emma 7:30-9 pm (Voodoo Theater)
Where: Wyldwood Bayou Rockin' The Blues
When: 6 years ago [28 Oct 2018 19:30 SLT]

This weekend Rockin' the Blues takes a Road Trip to showcase another amazing build by Nyx Breen. All of our events this weekend, including DJ Emma's set will be held at the Voodoo Theater! Emma will play her usual Sunday Top 10, followed by a mix of blues and Halloween tunes, and of course your requests! So put on your Halloween best and join us at the Voodoo Theater for a spooktacular adventure with DJ Emma and the Blues Tribe!

DJ BlueLou 6-7:30 pm (Voodoo Theater)
Where: Wyldwood Bayou Rockin' The Blues
When: 6 years ago [28 Oct 2018 18:00 SLT]

This weekend Rockin' the Blues takes a Road Trip to showcase another amazing build by Nyx Breen. All of our events this weekend, including DJ BlueLou's set will be held at the Voodoo Theater! Can't tell you what to expect, but Lou's sets are a welcome blend of blues... a little romance, a little soul, a little old school and always a lot of fun! He may even throw in some Halloween or spooky swamp music! So put on your Halloween best and join us at the Voodoo Theater for a spooktacular adventure with DJ Blu

DJ Fanta 9-10:30 am (Voodoo Theater)
Where: Wyldwood Bayou Rockin' The Blues
When: 6 years ago [28 Oct 2018 09:00 SLT]

This weekend Rockin' the Blues takes a Road Trip to showcase another amazing build by Nyx Breen. All of our events this weekend, including DJ Fanta's set will be held at the Voodoo Theater! Can't tell you what to expect, but Fanta does love Halloween music and her sets are always of the rockin' upbeat variety! So put on your Halloween best and join us at the Voodoo Theater for a spooktacular adventure with DJ Fanta and the Blues Tribe!

DJ Pops 7:30-9 pm (Voodoo Theater)
Where: Wyldwood Bayou Rockin' The Blues
When: 6 years ago [27 Oct 2018 19:30 SLT]

This weekend Rockin' the Blues takes a Road Trip to showcase another amazing build by Nyx Breen. All of our events this weekend, including DJ Pop's set will be held at the Voodoo Theater! Can't tell you what to expect, but DJ Pops generally plays a unique blend Blues from all over the World. What we have learned so far is that we may not always understand the words, but the blues in any language speaks to the soul. So put on your Halloween best and join us at the Voodoo Theater for a spooktacular adventure

DJ Rand 6-7:30 pm (Voodoo Theater)
Where: Wyldwood Bayou Rockin' The Blues
When: 6 years ago [27 Oct 2018 18:00 SLT]

This weekend Rockin' the Blues takes a Road Trip to showcase an amazing build by Nyx Breen. All of our events this weekend, including DJ Rand's set tonight will be held at the Voodoo Theater! Can't tell you what to expect, but we know it will be blues and DJ Rand generally plays an eclectic mix from Chicago, to the Delta, to the swamps of Louisiana. Put on your Halloween best and join us at the Voodoo Theater for a spooktacular adventure with DJ Rand and the Blues Tribe!

DJ Emma @ Voodoo Circle 7:30 - 9pm
Where: Wyldwood Bayou Rockin' The Blues
When: 6 years ago [21 Oct 2018 19:30 SLT]

We continue our evening in the Black Swamp with DJ Emma and her Sunday Top 10! Weaving her magic out of Ontario, Canada, Emma's signature style is sweet smooth blues with just a bit of naughty. She knows her stuff and plays great blues. Her Top 10 takes about one hour and the remainder of the set...well..you will just have to wait and see what Emma has in store for you! Costumes are fun but not required...just join us in the swamp for fun, friendship and great tunes with DJ Emma and the Blues Tribe!

DJ Moonie 6-7:30 pm (Voodoo Circle)
Where: Wyldwood Bayou Rockin' The Blues
When: 6 years ago [21 Oct 2018 18:00 SLT]

DJ Moonie, our renegade blues rocker from North Carolina, is in the mood for some voodoo blues, and the Voodoo Circle in the middle of the Black Swamp on Wyldwood Bayou is a perfect setting for what she has in mind. Costumes are fun but not required...just join us down in the swamp for a great evening of fun with DJ Moonie and the Blues Tribe!

DJ Emma weaves her magic out of Ontario, Canada, her signature style sweet smooth blues with just a bit of naughty. Emma knows her stuff and plays great blues, so join us on the Bayou for the best in Blues with DJ Emma!

DJ BlueLou broadcasts from the "heartland" of the U.S. His sets are a welcome blend of blues... a little romance, a little soul, a little old school and always a lot of fun! Come on down to the Bayou and warm yourself with fun, friendship and great blues with DJ BlueLou and the Blues Tribe

Join our FRISKY, FUN FANTABULOUS DJ FANTA aboard the Bayou Belle as she spins the blues for you from the UK! Fanta is a firecracker, mixing it up with rockin blues, old blues, soul and funk. You can ALWAYS count on a hot time on the Bayou when DJ Fanta takes the stage!

When DJ Kith spins, it's like a box of chocolates. Ya never know what you gonna get! Whatever he plays we guarantee it will be fresh, sweet, and full of surprises! Might be blues, might be blues-ish, might be bluegrass or other roots music. If you like your blues with an “edge” come on down to the Bayou for fun, friendship and great music with DJ Kith!

DJ Rand is a southern boy who takes his title and his cue from his RL experience as a MC Road Captain. He plays an eclectic mix of blues from Chicago, to the Delta, to the swamps of Louisiana. And he doesn’t stop there! So come on down to the Bayou and let the Blues Captain take you for a ride along the Blues Highway!

Tonight we're gonna Rock the Blues DJ Kira style! Broadcasting from the northwest corner of the U.S, Kira brings an eclectic selection of Blues from old scratchies to pushing-the-boundaries contemporary and everything in between! Come on down to the Bayou and find YOUR blues with DJ Kira and the Blues Tribe!

This soft-spoken DJ enjoys the softer side of blues but man oh man can she rock the blues as well! Macy is a relatively young DJ with an old blues soul. Come on down to the Bayou tonight for fun, friendship and great blues with DJ Macy and the Blues Tribe!

When DJ Kith spins, it's like a box of chocolates. Ya never know what you gonna get! Whatever he plays we guarantee it will be fresh, sweet, and full of surprises! Might be blues, might be blues-ish, might be bluegrass or other roots music. If you like your blues with an “edge” come on down to the Bayou for fun, friendship and great music with DJ Kith!

Join our FRISKY, FUN FANTABULOUS DJ FANTA aboard the Bayou Belle as she spins the blues for you from the UK! Fanta is a firecracker, mixing it up with rockin blues, old blues, soul and funk. You can ALWAYS count on a hot time on the Bayou when DJ Fanta takes the stage!

DJ BlueLou broadcasts from the "heartland" of the U.S. His sets are a welcome blend of blues... a little romance, a little soul, a little old school and always a lot of fun! Come on down to the Bayou and warm yourself with fun, friendship and great blues with DJ BlueLou and the Blues Tribe

DJ Emma weaves her magic out of Ontario, Canada, her signature style sweet smooth blues with just a bit of naughty. Emma knows her stuff and plays great blues, so join us on the Bayou for the best in Blues with DJ Emma!

DJ Rand is a southern boy who takes his title and his cue from his RL experience as a MC Road Captain. He plays an eclectic mix of blues from Chicago, to the Delta, to the swamps of Louisiana. And he doesn’t stop there! So come on down to the Bayou and let the Blues Captain take you for a ride along the Blues Highway!

Tonight we're gonna Rock the Blues DJ Kira style! Broadcasting from the northwest corner of the U.S, Kira brings an eclectic selection of Blues from old scratchies to pushing-the-boundaries contemporary and everything in between! Come on down to the Bayou and find YOUR blues with DJ Kira and the Blues Tribe!

This soft-spoken DJ enjoys the softer side of blues but man oh man can she rock the blues as well! Macy is a relatively young DJ with an old blues soul. Come on down to the Bayou tonight for fun, friendship and great blues with DJ Macy and the Blues Tribe!

DJ Astoria has been beaming Luminosity! events from her home in the Pacific Northwest to folks all over the world since 2009. She loves to share eclectic assortments of music, usually spun around a theme. She is a monthly guest DJ at Rockin' the Blues, bringing the same ecletic blend in Blues put on your party shoes and join us on the Bayou for fun, friendship and great blues with DJ Astoria and the Blues Tribe!

So what does DJ Moonie, our renegade blues rocker from North Carolina, play when she's not playing blues? Would you guess Soul, R&B and Funk? She likes classic rock too, but for this evening at Hot Daddy's she's going to be playing a mix soul, R&B and funk from the 60s and 70s. You know whenever and whatever Moonie plays, it's always a kick in the pants, so join us on the Bayou tonight for fun, friendship and great tunes with Moonie and the Tribe!

DJ Kith @ HOT DADDYS 6:30 – 8:30
Where: Wyldwood Bayou Rockin' The Blues
When: 6 years ago [1 Oct 2018 18:30 SLT]

Lookin for a lil' sumthin sumthin different? Well Monday night at Hot Daddy's is always sumthin different! Hot Daddy'o-wop, soul, funk steampunk...and the list goes on! It's an open field for our Dj's to spin and share their favorite music genres! Tonight will be a shark attack with DJ Kith, and only he knows what he will play! Come on down to Lost Bayou and expect different!

Join our FRISKY, FUN FANTABULOUS DJ FANTA aboard the Bayou Belle as she spins the blues for you from the UK! Fanta is a firecracker, mixing it up with rockin blues, old blues, soul and funk. You can ALWAYS count on a hot time on the Bayou when DJ Fanta takes the stage!

DJ Rand is a southern boy who takes his title and his cue from his RL experience as a MC Road Captain. He plays an eclectic mix of blues from Chicago, to the Delta, to the swamps of Louisiana. And he doesn’t stop there! So come on down to the Bayou and let the Blues Captain take you for a ride along the Blues Highway!

Tonight we're gonna Rock the Blues DJ Kira style! Broadcasting from the northwest corner of the U.S, Kira brings an eclectic selection of Blues from old scratchies to pushing-the-boundaries contemporary and everything in between! Come on down to the Bayou and find YOUR blues with DJ Kira and the Blues Tribe!

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Reviews (15)
Overall Rating:
Avis Novak The grid owner is very controlling and if things aren't done exactly the way she wants them done you are "talked" to.
Kith Whitehawk Just a note, as we come into this New Year. We strive for WWB Grid to be an inclusive, respectful and friendly place to be. Bigotry, inflammatory comments and behaviors that do not support this canon have no place in our culture. We know that the HG is a big and diverse community and strive on a ...
Lesbian I don't come there anymore I hate block scrip you don't see me there anymore

Region Comments

My home. We try to make your life a bit more fun.
Love it , just the piano has to go !! Don't ask I have my reasons !! Modee
Hey Everyone! Thanks so much for your interest in Wyldwood Bayou Grid. We are an HG destination! The grid is not open for region rentals, but is open invitation to the blues M-Sun and Hot Daddys, Dj's Choice venue on Mondays! Thanks so much and come visit! We'll leave the light on and the doors open!
How can I join your grid...have a avatar and etc.??
i saw that with no registration for new residents and try send contact at https://wyldwoodbayou.com/main/index.php
I wondered what avatar I use to hop to your grid... I have discovery and digiworld and os grid
Hi Tj. You can use either one of those avatars. :) Come visit, we would love to meet you and so sorry for belated response.
Wyldwood is open to HG visitors, so any of your avatars are welcome to visit!
Betty, Was nice to be able to chat with you... as I mentioned- I have have not banned any grid from my regions. That ability lies solely with with Grid Owner. As we are under Discovery Grid umbrella, whatever happens grid wide, happens to my regions as well. Good, bad, or indifferent, its part of the TOS. My regions were created by my late partner and myself for the sole reason of sharing music, creating friendships and having a place of respite from all the BS that goes on in the world.... for having fun and creating good memories....even if its just for a few hours. I don't play at politics and won't start. I am sorry for circumstances, I cannot change them, however... We are here if you or anyone wishes to come for great music and good fun.... Best regards.. Kith Whitehawk
Yeee HAW! Best redneck Xmas ever! Thanks for the music, the awesome decorations and the laughs that come every time The Tribe gets together! just awesome!