Wyldwood Bayou Rockin' The Blues

Wyldwood Bayou Rockin' The Blues
Added by :
Kith Whitehawk
Created :
7 years ago
Traffic Rank:
Avatars in Region:

Wyldwood Bayou Grid, home of Rockin' the Blues, Hot Daddy's The Bayou Belle, Lady Blue and the Brigantia and Ravenquest Roleplay Groups is a destination grid for the residents and visitors to come to enjoy! We have musical events at our main and specialty venues, two wonderful roleplay groups and a sports and recreation region with tons of things to do! As a destination grid, our registration is open to staff only. We don't allow child avatars or nudity out of respect for everyone. Come visit! Come on down Saturday through Monday for great fun, friendship and music! Come along any time to explore Wyldwood Bayou Grid!!

Check out our website! You can see all of our venues and roleplay groups and check "What's On" events calendar for gridwide events for a month or more in advance! Let us know what you think!

Blues Music, Dance, Party, Bayou, New Orleans, Carnival, Riverboat, Mardi Gras, Club, Friends, Costumes, Masks

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Last checked:
10 minutes ago

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Reviews (15)
Overall Rating:
Avis Novak The grid owner is very controlling and if things aren't done exactly the way she wants them done you are "talked" to.
Kith Whitehawk Just a note, as we come into this New Year. We strive for WWB Grid to be an inclusive, respectful and friendly place to be. Bigotry, inflammatory comments and behaviors that do not support this canon have no place in our culture. We know that the HG is a big and diverse community and strive on a ...
Lesbian I don't come there anymore I hate block scrip you don't see me there anymore

Region Comments

My home. We try to make your life a bit more fun.
Love it , just the piano has to go !! Don't ask I have my reasons !! Modee
Hey Everyone! Thanks so much for your interest in Wyldwood Bayou Grid. We are an HG destination! The grid is not open for region rentals, but is open invitation to the blues M-Sun and Hot Daddys, Dj's Choice venue on Mondays! Thanks so much and come visit! We'll leave the light on and the doors open!
How can I join your grid...have a avatar and etc.??
i saw that with no registration for new residents and try send contact at https://wyldwoodbayou.com/main/index.php
I wondered what avatar I use to hop to your grid... I have discovery and digiworld and os grid
Hi Tj. You can use either one of those avatars. :) Come visit, we would love to meet you and so sorry for belated response.
Wyldwood is open to HG visitors, so any of your avatars are welcome to visit!
Betty, Was nice to be able to chat with you... as I mentioned- I have have not banned any grid from my regions. That ability lies solely with with Grid Owner. As we are under Discovery Grid umbrella, whatever happens grid wide, happens to my regions as well. Good, bad, or indifferent, its part of the TOS. My regions were created by my late partner and myself for the sole reason of sharing music, creating friendships and having a place of respite from all the BS that goes on in the world.... for having fun and creating good memories....even if its just for a few hours. I don't play at politics and won't start. I am sorry for circumstances, I cannot change them, however... We are here if you or anyone wishes to come for great music and good fun.... Best regards.. Kith Whitehawk
Yeee HAW! Best redneck Xmas ever! Thanks for the music, the awesome decorations and the laughs that come every time The Tribe gets together! just awesome!