Damour Enterprizes

Damour Enterprizes
Added by :
Emmalena Damour
Created :
6 years ago
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This region is located in Digiworldz. Home to ~EDD~ Emmalena Damour Designs main store. Clothing for Men and Women: System or classic clothing, Mesh Clothing, costumes, medieval clothing, dinkie clothing, Sci-Fi clothing, merfolk clothing, Formal casual and sporting clothing, hats, shoes and accessories, Wedding clothing Tuxedos, Etc... Furniture, appliances, shelving, picture frames, pottery, bathroom vanity, Shower, complete Kitchen, pantry, drink dispenser, bar, Lighting , ceiling fans, You name it I can probably make it for you! There is also an outdoor section beside and behind the main store. Outdoor items: lounge chair set with umbrella, market stall booths, Large Swimming pool, Seasonal items to include Christmas trees and decorations including Several different dancing Santa, at Christmas time. I also do custom clothing. There are several pieces in my store that were originally custom designs for a client. My arrangement on custom outfits is a certain price and an agreed upon time for general release, with your first name in the outfit name and sold at a slightly lower price than custom price. The 2nd option is a very high price and it is a totally exclusive design for you only this will not be sold in any of my stores DigiWorldz .

Fashion Show Theatrical performance featuring Fantasy! We will have 6 female and 6 male models. We will also be performing a choreographed dance during the show. ZDiva sorbet will be our Mistress of Ceremony and will also be singing for us at intermission and after the fashion part of the show is finished.

Winter Holidays Fashion Show
Where: Damour Enterprizes
When: 5 years ago [14 Dec 2019 01:00 SLT]

Winter Holidays Fashion show-clothing from Do's Kreations, ~EDD~ Emmalena Damour Designs, Kristy's Fashion, and Hawk Designs . Jewelry is by Tari's Creations. Raffles after every category run. Raffle gifts are exclusive to the Fashion show. Swag Bags.
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Austin Moores @ Fashion Show After Party
Where: Damour Enterprizes
When: 5 years ago [14 Dec 2019 03:00 SLT]

Austin Moores will be singing Live with his angels as backup and Hosts. this Live singing event is a continuation of the winter Holiday Fashion show, with additional raffle gifts. Come and join us in this gorgeous venue.
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The Winter Holiday Fashion show is December 14th from 1:00 Pm to 3:00 pm Grid time! Come and join us

this is the Exquisitely Designed Convention Center, Events, Fashion shows, parties.

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Reviews (3)
Overall Rating:
Luna Lunaria Beautiful Store!
Tari Well built store with great fashions. I just love shopping there
Alex1972 this is supposed to be a free world and everything cost

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