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maternity clinic..if you want to live the experience of childbirth pregnancy and the birth of a baby come and visit astralia

new...give your baby a bath with an interactive menu

go for a walk with your baby

Mistressdalgato: to bad you cant rig it to put another avi in it. its very cute tho 1 years ago

new...coccole al tuo bimbo prima di trova nel nuovo negozio

these children everyone knows I did it I'm at a construction site in Astralia I wrote it only for personal use no resale everyone knows it and everyone respects the rules instead this grid newlife italy doesn't care about the rules and respect for the work of others .. too much comfortable so they take everything and put it on sale to attract people .. but the others know it anyway you make a bad impression ... you came here .... learn to do it yourself and remove my things

The Etheria Network: Its a wonderful family offering, I have several friends with virtual families and all this means a great deal to them :) Moving, fun babies and kids, amazing!! One note, some of the items - many act... 2 years ago

we are about to reopen with animesh children for everyone

RuSandals: I stand corrected. There are different ethnicities available at this shop. Pardon my error. 3 years ago

new baby in arms

new sofa with interactive mother and child menu

new interactive sofa finally for dads too......hop://

skate with your baby in your arms

animesh children created by astralia for all of you

KrisTina: hmm 3 years ago

take your baby on a bicycle

tree with poses and children...merry Christmas to everyone

Christmas companion and skating children gift for Christmas

la sim e' aperta sono nuovi bambini animesh con aspettano

I warn everyone not to worry if he doesn't let you come to the construction site I closed opensim for a while for the time to do new things you ask me.. as soon as it's finished I'll let you know thanks

christmas blonde animesh baby girl in baby carrier gift from cloe for christmas

CLOE: certainly for all grids they are not like some grids that put sims on opensim and then ban them for no reason 2 years ago

tonight at 22.00 pm baby dance evening .... we are waiting for you .. there are new baby avatars ...

christmas animesh girls for everyone best wishes

DALLAS MALL: Remove the Indiana and you can get there 2 years ago

baby walker

tonight 3 December at 22.00 pm baby dance with DJ MIA

Friday 14 May at 22.00 kids dance with DJ MIA we are waiting for you

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Reviews (11)
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Liriaspiritwolf Lovely children-- I took alot of them but what I wanted was the mommy hud which wasnt available nor did I find working newborns-- are their any Newborns that actually have a hud that work any where? I want so badly to get pregnant but guess thats not going to happen either.. Can you give me any ...
JFlame I have been going there for a long time...I have seen others write that they were able to get a baby. I click buy and then end up with a LM in a file folder...I dont get it...

Region Comments

Salve, ho 13 settimane e 4 mesi, avrei bisogno di un consulto urgente e anche di un test di paternità per sapere chi è il padre del bambino perché non lo so vorrei anche sapere se è maschio o femmina o se ce ne sono 2!
Absolutely love this place!! My friends and I are big into virtual families, and appreciate the animesh and avies that are geared to that! Not all uses for child avies are negative, some real families here use them. I have seen some uses for child avies and animesh that shocked me, but there is definitely a (clean and decent) place for them too .. so thank you!

I want to mention there is a pregnancy and birthing clinic here that does not get enough love! Come check it all out :)
ciao ehi va tutto bene qui e Bia Gata di astralia è anche BiaBladeVellikye di kater vorrei sapere che io e mia figlia stiamo allestendo un ospedale per la maternità a kater e aviworlds contiamo sul tuo aiuto e se puoi trasmettere gli articoli all'account BiaBladeVellikye grazie e potrò anche far parte di questo sogno So che contiamo su di te e un bacio molto gradito spero che tu veda l'intenzione sui baci BiaBladeVellikye di kater e ancora di più grazie per tutto c'è di più Il mio avatar questa incinta il nome della donna è Ayumi Bia ho bisogno di verificare con te a che ora possiamo fissare un appuntamento perché il bambino è già laureato ed è nella mia pancia con la pancia sono passati 3 o 4 giorni da quando sono incinta ho bisogno di vedere tutto sul baby visto che sono rimasta incinta e me ne occuperò da sola ho bisogno di sapere tutto sul sesso se va bene ecc Gratitudine aspetto la tua risposta!
Oi bom dia como faço pra adquirir o teste de gravidez eu creio que estou grávida no alternativo metaverse o pai n quer ser identificado em tão pai unknow
boa noite amores como faço para conseguir o teste de gravidez e outras coisas nesse gride
bom dia eh so vc criar conta em astralia italiano o ir de um opensi pra ele com firetorm viwer e va na clinica entre na sala de exames faça todos la vc descobrira se esta gravida o meu eu fui na balança disse qantas semanas e peso do bb
First off I want to say personally for me child avi/skins are not for me nor do i want to see a child avi so that section I stay away from.

However I will say since this region has been updated it looks amazing! I do wuv mesh babys and so many good stuff its hard to choose just one room set for a baby. I will say I will be mixing and matching. I only have so much space lol. Well done
Amazing! Congratulations.... I truly recommend to everybody.