Skjern Adult

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Skjern lies west of bleak, rocky Torvaldsland, substantially above even the vast, green belt of the northern forests of gor. Torvies have a different culture than the average gorean , their religion is close to the Viking 's Asatru . Skjern is a curiosity to visit for its cold beauty but also for the surreal Norse Temple and its crypt . Jarl slave bond Runepriest and other seers and warriors are welcome . Skjern is part of the Counter-earth Grid you can sail and travel on foot from here accross to port kar !

Torvie New year's Dance pit
Where: Skjern
When: 5 years ago [21 Mar 2020 12:00 SLT]

HAPPY Torvie NEW YEAR everyone ! Skjern will be hosting a FAIR for the new year, for a week or celebration, every city is allowed to claim their tents and come setup their own space at the Fair sitesouth of Skjern city ( from 5 am today) a dance circle will be held tonight at the stone circle to open the fair.

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Reviews (2)
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kindra Turian The Northern City of Skjern is built with accuracy to the books of John Norman. The people there are friendly, and inviting but beware it is Gor and Gor is a barbaric brutal world. Daily role play - living the Gorean life. I love it there!! Counter Earth - for Goreans! www.counterearthgrid.c...
Velvet Just love it! The most unique experience ever in BtB Gor. North is brutal think you can handle it? Only in Counter Earth!!

Region Comments

Fantastic place, with allusive music, everything takes us back to the time of the Vikings