
Added by :
Power OfGreen
Created :
4 years ago
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Seasonal HALLOWEEN TIME BUILD IN PROGRESS there will be freebies and build in about a week feel free to come by anytime

Thank you all for coming to this region. Its moving and I will let you know. It was completely erased by someone but i will put it on with the new regions. hugsss and thanks for visiting

Still a month to go... but im building and then look over.... and see.... her! gave me chills Happy upcoming Halloween tons of Halloween freebies new and old.. im still building down, but feel free to look arounds hugsss Osgrid: Region PowerofGreen

Still building... about a week away from complete. More freebies out everyday..... spooktacular!

Taking a test drive before Halloween... need a ride? lol Halloween freebies just got real there is enormous amount of Halloween items in Boxes and some demonstrated around. Im still building down below a full Halloween build and then its.... SPOOKY PARTY TIME :)

LOADS, LOTS, MASSES OF HALLOWEEN ITEMS IN BOXES OUT.... 25 MORE TO GO BUT PLENTY THERE NOW hugssssssssss lol p.s. on teleporter they are on FREEBIES hg.osgrid.org:80:PowerOfGreen

Another week ill have all the freebies for Halloween out and then week after for Christmas. All the things I have gathered are my favs! tonight we are having a little pre party lol so welcome to come anytime and have look so far 2 levels of freebies in the sky hugss

FREEBIE AREAS IN SKYBOXES EXPANDING FOR YOU!! come anytime hugss and Happy Holidays are coming!!!

The build is coming along! will be ready for the big party in Oct AND lots of freebies for you! hugssss

Build is under construction should be good to visit next week

Halloween the spooky, scary with fairy build :) lol

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4 years ago

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Reviews (2)
Overall Rating:
ChanceAlderbury Amazing sim with some brilliant builds and themes, a lot of fun to look around and explore and the Freebies are AMAZING!!!! ill be coming back many times
Passion Jumanji I must say . . . First off, the sim is AWESOME . . . it is decorated very lovely and is a #1 hit IMHO! ;) It most certainly shows that PowerofGreen put a ton of work into this place! AND . . . you can tell she loves what she is doing, TSTL! ;) There are TONS of freebies all over the place . . . Do...

Region Comments

Awesome collection of halloween items, and much much more.! Thank you!
I love your world!! Thank you for sharing with us!