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Marked as helpful review!

Dalaran Adult


Great place with nostalgic vibes for WOW fans. LOVED it. Great work!

9 months ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

I don't normally post reviews on regions that my partner has made because that would make me bias lol, but after all of the hard work she's put into this region, I couldn't help myself, I'm so proud of her the region is looking amazing if you like WOW or even just want to see something a bit different check it out.

2 years ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

Glenys Bieler
This looks seriously awesome! Sure the assets came from the wow client but getting them into a region in OS must have been a labour of love! The RP possibilities are endless! Great Job!

2 years ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

Trizzy Hunter
I have to agree with Brenden Dalaran is the Bomb and having played World of Warcraft for many years I can say with all honesty this is one of "THE" best recreations I have seen the Dalaran in the game and now the Opensim version compare to the "T" with just a few minor adjustmnets. Excellent work and I look forward to seeing it when it is finally complete.

2 years ago - mark as helpful (1) - report