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It was brought to my attention a few weeks back that some AMV residents were having issues teleporting to our VHG grid. We at VHG do not ban avatars-we have no grids banned. Something is preventing teleportation though I just tested it. I was able to teleport to AMV fine from my Mind Odyssey sim, by touching the sign I made Nyx that teleports visitors directly to his AMV exhibit. But trying to return to VHG I was ghosted. It took me several minutes and trying different things to become unstuck or ghosted. I did change the name of the Grid to but HG has been working fine to and from VHG just not to AMV. I have lots of visitors from various grids so it is working, and I have seen Nyx teleport in a time or two. I do apologize to the people who wanted to visit us from AMV and couldn't. I will continue to look and see what the cause could be, as I said we have no grid or avatars banned.

Jerralyn Franzic: I have no problem entering with my OSgrid avatar. Not so much with my Kitely avi... made several attempts, and logged off twice to see if I could en... 2 years ago
Another beautiful view of Rivendell by Darkness Papp

#oar #oars #darknesspapp #ferdfrederix #fredbeckhusen

Land of the Giants by Joe Builder

Free for Outworldz- DreamGrid owners, Fred Beckhusen designs and creates .oars to share with his Outworldz-Dreamgrid members. The OAR is licensed exclusively for use in DreamWorld Grids. CC-BY-NC, Outworldz, LLC.

Thank you @JoeBuilder you brought this story to virtual life~ it is a beautiful sim.
Weekenders! I started this in GCG as a fun way to explore the grid. I have little weekender cabins located around the grid for your weekend stay. Free! Just checkin Friday night and depart on Sunday at Noon. Longer stays can be arranged too. I have a Weekender office located at Catena di Isole that explains each cottage and the location! Just IM to book your stay. I have a cool back pack filled with all sorts of goodies for the traveler!
This has to be the coolest lighthouse I have ever seen. Perched offshore at Ferd Frederix Outworldz Welcome what a delight to explore this! Each time I visit Outworldz there is always something new to see! Make sure you take some time out to explore this remarkable destination. Ferd has been adding new builds to Alexandria - there is always something new to see here!!
3rd Rock Grid's Great Central Lake

When Estate Manager @JayR Cela invited me to see his 3x3 Water Region - Great Central Lake he mentioned how it is set up for boating fun and racing.
Please add this to your map: Central Lake. Take some time out and explore this great place!
Guess what day it is? Sunday, well okay but what does Sunday mean? Sunday Funnies!! BS News by @Fred Beckhusen is hot off the press!

RemmyRavenhurst: I so get a good giggle reading this! :) 2 years ago
Fred's Africa Gateway added to VHG Region HUB is so very cool, I love this so much and would like to extend an invitation to anyone who would like to add their Grid Gateway to my VHG region! It is a great way for others to get a taste of your grid or sim- Teleports on a sign is very cool but having a Gateway people can feel the ambiance of your grid. If you would like to add your gateway to my VHG region I would need a 1x1 OAR of your Gateway. When creating your gateway, choose your grid's theme, also add an information board of the highlights you have at your grid so that when people visit your gateway they get a sense of what you are all about! Please consider adding your gateway to the VHG HUB!

Securing an OpenSimulator DreamGrid to Prevent Grief Attacks

Journey to the Heart of Ancient Egypt
Immerse yourself in a world of pharaohs, pyramids, and hieroglyphs

Step into the world of Ferd Frederix-Alexandria, an Egyptian wonder.

Imagine a world where the Nile River flows through lush green fields, where majestic pyramids rise against the desert sands, and where the echoes of ancient pharaohs whisper through the ruins of temples. This is the world of Ferd Frederix-Alexandria, an Egyptian wonderland that will transport you to a time of mystery and magic. Alexandria West

Sunday Funnies!!! @FerdFrederix BS News!! Read about new x-ray vision, and the opensim economy!

Lone Wolf: Brilliant thank you. 2 years ago
I have added an InWorld BS News printed magazine that you can keep and wear as a HUD to view all the BS News Issues! please find it on the 3rd floor of the VHG Headquarters - A new issue of BS News will be out in the morning too! Thank you everyone for supporting this most excellent Ferd Frederix BS News!
If you would like your Grid or Sim to be included in the VHG Gateway HUB-We have three available spots left. To be included please send a 1x1 OAR to Your OAR should be themed to your Grid or Sim with information signage about your Grid or Sim with a teleport sign to your place. Please contact me for more information-3 available spots left.
Meet Dexter Dung Beetle, who happens to be the neighbor of Gracie. Dexter will be going on different adventures-Gracie will tag along too from time to time! We never know where they will end up! Thank you to @FredBeckhusen for inspiring me with this lovely determined beetle bug I simply adore him.

It's the Sunday Funnies with BS News hot off the Press!!

Another issue of BS News is hot of the Press!! #ferd #ferdfrederix #bsnews #vhg

Please join us at MeWe too!

This looks to be a spectacular event!!

Thank you Cat for supporting the arts!
Presented by @Tainted Angel beautiful .oars for DreamGrid members
Fred Beckhusen designs and creates .oars to share with his Outworldz-Dreamgrid members. The OAR is licensed exclusively for use in DreamWorld Grids. CC-BY-NC, Outworldz, LLC. Please look in your DreamGrid free .oar drop-down list.