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Masala Al Kohav

Masala Al Kohav
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Masala Al Kahov means "Wish upon a star". And here with us you may just find what you've wished for. Home to such builders as Thorvaldr Ragnarsson (Thor's Forge), Dusty Falls (Fall's For You), the Skywinds (Skywind Designs), Ezra Millberry (Ezra's Place), and yours truly, Lavia Lavine. Also here you will find guest vendors like Ares Halostar (Ares Gizmos), Indigo Queen (Indigo's Market & Boutique), and the wonderful Tainted Angel (Creations by Tainted Angel) We've got everything from art to zebras and all of the stuff in between on this huge 8x8 shopping region. Ninety percent of the stuff in this mall is made on this grid, the other 10 percent is brought in by guest vendors. We take great pride in our mall and it's good reputation - stop in and see for yourself. Blessings and much love, Lavia

We are constantly adding new stuff to our Mall region and today we are adding sculpted steps, roofs, pillars and columns. You will also find scripted doors, various windows regular and arched, prefab walls with the windows already installed, arched and regular door frames, fences, walls and gates. We will also be adding to our other departments things like picnic tables, covered decks (sculpted), and plenty of new items in our Holidays & Seasons department. Don't forget to check out my little corner, Ezra's Antiques & Collectibles, Thor's Forge and many other shops in the mall. And if you're looking for a few animals for pets or to set up a farm that is no muss no fuss, check out our Best Friends Pet Center and mini zoo for a wide selection of Animesh animals. Blessings and much love, Lavia
I found this beautiful maypole while out shopping one day and brought it home but it didn't work other than the rotation, so, I went to work and added pose ball scripts and some dances and now it works. I love spring time, even though we're heading into the end of summer because spring has such a promise of new life and fresh beginnings. You can find this maypole in our Create A Scene Garden Center at the mall. It's free and full perm! Enjoy! Blessings and much love, Lavia.
This adorable little café named for a very dear friend is the perfect fit for just about any region that has a small town setting or an urban or suburban setting. It does not come furnished but can be if you want it to be buy just asking, though I find the decorating and setting it up to be the most fun. Effie's Kitchen Café is cute and quaint and delightful. To see it fully decked out and in use you can find it at my region called Lioness Den, but if you would like to pick one up for yourself, it's here at the Masala Al Kohav mall right behind our "Everything Music" department. Stop in and check it out, it might just take you back in time. Blessings and much love Lavia.
I had forgotten I still had this beautiful huge Southern Victorian mansion. So I took it out of the mothballs and dusted it down and put it out. There is lots of space on the top floor to add rooms and there is a ladder that goes to the top of the roof; a full wrap around porch and a full basement, a huge kitchen and living room with a giant study and spiral stairs. Check it out, you might like it. Blessings and much love, Lavia
New Item at the mall which you can find in the Kitchen & Dining department. The Spindle Shelf Fireplace comes with sound and working doors for storage. I've also added a few new things to the Building Supplies department and we're increasing our Holidays & Season's "Spring" section though I guess it's time to start on the fall and winter! Stop by and check things out as I'm adding new stuff just about every week. Blessings and much love, Lavia
Okay I think things are finally, at last, for the time being, hopefully rearranged to be more easily accessible for everyone at the Create A Scene Garden Center and in fact the entirety of the Masala Al Kohav Mall. There is so much going on here that at times it's a little hard to keep up with, but it's all good goings on!! Stop in and shop all day if you like. Visit all of our in house creator's shops like Ezra's Antiques and Collectables, Thor's Forge, Fall's For You (Animesh People) and my own "Lavia's Little Corner". We have a very wide assortment of items ranging from houses to plants and everything in between. We're working on building new stuff as well so that you have original content as well as items from around Open Sim. And don't forget to ask about our "Showcase Plateau" which allows folks to advertise their grid, region, or shop not just for a week or a month, but year round for free with an allowance of 1500 prims. Word of mouth is always the best advertising you can get and we're here to help you get seen and heard. Blessings and much love, Lavia.
Over the next few days, into the weekend, we will be moving the Garden Center to a new location and rearranging things to make it more accessible and less confusing. We will still have all the great stuff with additions so be sure to stop in when we're all done, I'll let you know as soon as it's completed. Of course you can still come and shop at the Garden center as I'll only move copies of everything before I delete the old location. Thank you all for your patronage and patience! Blessings and much love, Lavia.
When I got on line this evening and was working at the mall I noticed some of the drawers missing from the dresser, the nightstand and the vanity and I thought WOAH! Did I forget to add them to the set in the box?? but then I realized I had made a boo boo and forgot to reset the scripts after setting the display out not even thinking, of course people are going to test these things to see if they work right! So, my apologies to whomever tried them and experienced the disappearing act that moving objects can do if their scripts are not reset!! I have reset and adjusted them since so they will work correctly. Sooooo, shame faced me, my bad...it's fixed now. Blessings and much love, Lavia.
OOoops I did it again, but this time it's a really good thing!! A complete Bedroom suite "The Rose Queen Bedroom Suite" is textured with fine cherry wood and rose carved draw fronts, door fronts and trim. You will find that all of the drawers and doors work but you'll have to add your own bed animations. There is a 6 drawer dresser with a mirror a full wardrobe, Bed with under bed storage drawers, a night stand and a vanity with mirror and vanity chair. It is full perm so you can retexture the sheet, blankets, pillows or any part that you want to change and modify. You can find it in our Livingroom and Bedroom department at the mall. Just use the Mall Shops Teleport System to get there. And while you're there check out our many vendors like Ares Gizmos, Creations by Tainted Angel, Fall's For You Animesh people, Stuff n Things and Ezra's Antiques and Collectables. Stop by the Ancient builds and check things out and don't miss Thor's Forge for the finest medieval builds you'll find anywhere. We have lots and we're adding more....stop by and take your time browsing and don't miss our "Best Friends Pet Center and Mini Zoo" and if you're looking for a house, hey, we've got those too!! Blessings and much love, Lavia.
Another sleepless night produced this beautiful pyramid with a reflecting pool and Sphynx (which isn't my build but it worked perfectly). Inside there is a huge room and a kind of a mini palace compete with statues, floor lamp torches, pillars and thrones. It turned out better than I had hoped it would and I hope you will enjoy it and use it for your "ancient" or "Egyptian" build. It comes complete with trees and statues and is the perfect addition or center piece for any ancient or even sci fi fantasy build. You can find it here at the mall in our "Ancient Builds" department. Blessings and much love, Lavia

Ankhsenaton: Thanks for your sphinx and your Pyramid!! :-) I like the Maya too, it's nice to see some originality! 8 months ago
Something New in our Livingroom & Bedroom department at the mall. The Rose Nightstand is a beautiful little Nightstand or End Table of Oak wood and it has beautifully carved drawer fronts for that added panache to your décor. The drawers are scripted so they can be opened and have auto close. Toss a giver script in the drawers and store some of your favorite things in them. Blessings and much love, Lavia
Looking for a way to expand your region or grid's reach and bring people back to your region or grid? Well here is that opportunity! Your own shop allotted 1500 prims in our Mall's Showcase Plateau! That's right, your shop and prims at no charge up to 1500 prims. You can display your work here and include a land mark back to your region/grid's shop or mall. Does it have to be a shop to give stuff away? No, it can be a shop simply to display what you have built and it can be in the form of slide shows, pictures, sculptures, or items unique to your creation. We want to let you showcase what you love so others can enjoy it as well. This is another way we can network and get to see the work of the many incredible creators here in Open Sim. Blessings and much love, Lavia.
Join us Saturday, July 6th at 6pm Pacific (grid time) for an explosion of Awesome Patriotic & Rock and Roll tunes brought to us by the amazing, and amazingly charming, DJ - Maldrul Smith, our very own Elf NOT on a shelf! Maldrul will also be bring us his infamous "Something Completely Different" so be prepared to be surprised and delighted with Maldrul's selections of holiday tunes. Lets celebrate American Independence the right way at
grid.genesis-roleplay.org:8002:Masala Al Kohav
Use the Mall Shops Teleport System and select "Grid Dance Event" when you arrive. Bring your friends and your friend's friends and let's have fun together!
DATE: Saturday, July 6th
TIME: 6pm Pacific (grid time) to 8pm Pacific (grid time)
DJ: Maldrul Smith
Hostess: Lavia Lavine
Taxi: grid.genesis-roleplay.org:8002:Masala Al Kohav
DRESS: casual but covered.
These beautiful horses were sent to me to upgrade what we have by Roland Francis for the Stuff N Things shop in the Masala Al Kohav Mall. Stop by and visit the shop and while you're there check out our many other shops and vendors with a couple of new Vendors who are still building their shops up. And the entire mall is finally rearranged and the TP boards upgraded as we moved our Welcome Center from to the mall to its own region. And as any mall owner knows, this will not be the last rearranging that gets done. Drop in and get your Upgraded Animesh Ridable horse they're awesome. Blessings and much love, Lavia.
You see, this is what happens when one has entirely too much free time on one's hands! Ya build stuff! This is sort of my rendition of the Babylonian hanging gardens but it's not theirs, it's mine and I'm happy to share it with you to use on your region. Li is 1600+, but it comes fully decorated, all you need do is set it out. It's on display at the mall so stop by and see it for yourself. Blessings and much love, Lavia
So the other day when I was working at our mall, a dear soul contacted me and said she didn't see a sales box in front of the ziggurat, well that was because they were not for sale only because they were a really sloppy build. I gave her one but felt bad because I don't like giving sloppy builds so, I drug it back into blender and cleaned it up, added ramps on the steps, brushed off the dirt and set it out for folks to get for sale for free!!! This Ancient Ziggurat will make any ancient build look amazing and realistic. Stop by the mall and get your copy and enjoy....and yes I've since given her a nice, neat, clean copy. Cheers, blessings and much love, Lavia
Something I've been playing with is texture change stuff and so I took a chair I found in open sim an a script from outworldz.com and some textures I have and POOF a chair that you can change the textures on the cushion. There are 12 different textures to choose from to suit whatever your décor is and it's free, full perm and waiting just for you! You can find it in the Holidays & Seasons department of the Masala Al Kohav Mall. Blessings and much love, Lavia

Andremus Miklos: A great chair, thank you Lavia! 9 months ago
After much consideration, Ezra decided to change the name of the shop from Odds & Ends to Antiques & Collectables. Set up like a neatly organized antique store this shop boasts a lot of really cute items for you to use in the construction and design of your region. While you're visiting Ezra's shop, be sure to go around the mall and visit our many other wonderful vendor's shops including Ares Gizmos, Stuff n Things, Creations by Tainted Angel, Fall's For You (Animesh people), Heart Of The Matter Boutique, Indigo's Market & Boutique, Thor's Forge and a whole mall full of stuff made by yours truly as well as a large collection of items from all over open sim. Blessings & Much Love, Lavia.
At Masala Al Kohav Mall something small but very useful, a wall and window set. One wall has the window already installed and is mesh, the single window is Mesh but the wall is simple prim The texture is rustic and can be modified to whatever texture you like and so can the window. These are in our "Building Supplies" department at the mall and they're CMT just for you. I will be making more building supplies available as I create them. Blessings and much love, Lavia.
Another new shop going in at the Masala Al Kohav Mall (We dropped the Star Jinn Palisade because it confused people). Ezra Millberry will be opening an "Odds & Ends" shop and the Masala Al Kohav Mall is proud to sponsor Ezra in this endeavor. We have many fantastic builders who contribute to the Masala Al Kohav Mall (Masala Al Kohav is Hebrew for "Wish Upon A Star") all working to make sure your wishes for positively gorgeous builds, working, functioning builds, easy to use builds to make your Virtual Life adventure fun, ESPECIALLY immersive ROLEPLAY!! This is why our grid is called the Genesis Roleplay Grid. We currently have land available at very reasonable prices and if you're looking to own a grid of your own, talk to us, we know a guy!! We haveFall's For You Animesh people, Ares Gizmos, Indego's Market and Boutique, Creations by Tainted Angel, Thor's Forge contributed by our friend Thorvaldr Ragnarrson, and of course Your's truly and I build under many names because of the role play I'm involved in, but mostly this name and my shop is Lavia's Little Corner. Stop in and shop till you drop and if you can't find what your looking for, just ask, I might know who does. Blessings and much love, Lavia.
The work at the mall is completed (for now) and the new welcome center is very nearly completed and will be totally operational very soon - there we will have tutorials and videos for the "How To's" of navigating Open Sim including MY favorite...SHOPPING!! Blessings and much love, Lavia

Psicotronic: Yay ! 9 months ago
Hey folks! Sorry about the mess and confusion at the mall, but we're re arranging things to make it better and more streamlined for our customers! We should have it all done by the end of the day today, early tomorrow morning at the latest. So bear with us we've got all the little people working their butts off to get it done! Thank you for understanding because until it's done the teleport system is going to be a wild ride !!!
This build is "YUGE" as they say! Created for a mall type shop to be used as such, this giant shop boasts latticework entrance and doorways, fancy arched windows, brick exterior, decorative concrete pillars, and three fancy grillwork (teleporter) elevators. It's a unique blend of old and modern for a unique touch to any region. You can find it next to near "Fall's For You" beside "Skywind Designs" which are both by "Ezra's Antiques & Collectables". Stop in and check them out. And make sure to take your time an explore this ginormous 8x8 Mall. We are growing and adding new vendors so if you'd like to set up shop with us, we welcome you.
Blessings and much love - Lavia
Some of the original fantasy builds in the Star Jinn Palisade Mall here on the Masala Al Kohav region of the Genesis Roleplay Grid. Need a couple of nice floating homes, or a 4 seasons manor or maybe an Ice Cream Pavilion to hold a cool sweet dance in - stop by and visit and see these builds, and while you're there visit our many other builds, vendor shops and pet center. Everything is free and most is full perm. Blessings and much love, Lavia
Stop by and see some of the thing's I've built that you might like, though really I have builds all over the mall because we do our best to provide original builds as much as we can. While you're checking out my little corner, don't forget to stop by Ares Gizmos, Stuff N Things, Indego's Market & Boutique, Heart of The Matter Boutique, Creations by Tainted Angel, Fall's For You, Thor's Forge! We've got a little of everything waiting just for you.
Need is the mother of all creativity, or so I heard. And so out of need for one of my regions, I needed the right furniture and ended up building a full 7 piece set. It's beautiful, ornate and elegant and I made it for a mansion I built. You can get the pieces individually or get the fat pack. It's free, it's full perm and it's waiting to grace your home with beauty and charm just like you! Find it here at the mall in Lavia's Little Corner 2nd floor. Blessings and much love, Lavia.
Updated and ready to go, this beautiful palace is on display here at Star Jinn Palisade Mall and it's full perm, free and waiting just for you. Done in a fashion reminiscent of ancient Persian architecture, it has a light, airy feel and a roof top pool. This enchanting palace is a must see and maybe even a must have for your region! Stop in and see it for yourself. Blessings and much love, Lavia
ATTENTION! If you rent/lease your grid or region through Masala Estates, I have a special offer for you! We have created a spot at the mall for the Masala Estate Partner Grids for you to advertise your grid by getting your own beautiful walk through portal like the one's in this picture. Unadecal is awesome and our goal is to help Masala Estates with unity among the grids and regions who deal with Masala Estates. If you would like to advertise your region or grid as a Masala Estates Partner Grid/Region contact me here in instant message or in world. These portals are beautiful and easy to use, just walk through. You determine where you want new visitors to land and we set you up with your very own portal. There is absolutely no charge or rental for this service, we just want folks to know how awesome it is to work with Unadecal and Masala Estates!!
We are at 14 and growing for the "Friends of The Genesis Roleplay Grid" wall. If you are not aware of it, to be on the Friends of the GRPG wall, all you have to do, is contact me, Lavia Lavine, either here in message or in world and let me know you want to have your region or grid represented in the wall. This will get you a walk through portal from our grid to yours and it will bear your logo and landmark, and that's really all there is to it. Some have asked me why I do this, well it's because with all the hatred, negativity and ridiculous competition in open sim, I felt it would be good to do something positive, just as I've seen other's do from time to time. It's not a "new" idea but it is sure a good one to get regions and grids networking with each other and growing a larger community. It's truly amazing to see the wonderful, beautiful creations that people have come up with for their grids and it's great fun to share it by networking. So if you'd like to be a Friend of the Genesis Roleplay Grid, just let me know!! Blessings and much love, Lavia

GlennXpletive: That is a positive thing to do Lavia. 10 months ago
THOR'S FORGE is up and open for folks to visit for medieval and Viking builds. Beautiful medieval structures done to perfection by our own Thorvaldr Ragnarsson. Next to Thor's Forge is our Medieval department with more medieval and Viking builds as well as clothing and many more medieval supplies. Come check it out, you just might find what you're looking for. Blessings and Much Love, Lavia.
Summer is almost here!!! YAY! And we finally have a few items in our Holidays & Season's department for Summer time. Stop in and check it out, in fact, take your time and check out everything, it is a huge 8x8 mall with creators like Thorvaldr Ragnarsson, Ares Halostar & Roland Francis contributing! Hope to see you soon! Blessings and much love, Lavia
Oh boy!! I'm out of control!! LOL Getting a hankering for Summer and thought about a pool I'd love to swim in and this is what I came up with. It's mesh and has animated water and if you get some floaties from Encantada, you can float around on it! You can see it on display in our Holidays & Seasons section of the Star Jinn Palisade Mall in the Masala Al Kohav region! This beauty is full perm, free and waiting to grace your region with its beauty. Stop by and get yours and shop around while you're at it, you just might find what you're wishing for. And if we don't have what you're looking for, we might know who does or, we might even be able to build it for you!! Blessings and much love, Lavia
Sometimes I just can't help myself and I go a little crazier than I normally am, and I do another build. This one is a modern office setting with two large offices, waiting area, reception area, small bathroom and elevator on the first level and a beautiful conference area complete with a warm fireplace and a wall waterfall and both levels are wall to wall carpeting. It is a modern stone, steel, brass and glass build with burgundy and gold marble walls on the interior and maple paneling. This build will look great on your grid and add a bit of elegance to it and it's free, full perm and waiting just for you here at the Star Jinn Palisade Mall! Blessings and much love, Lavia
NEW!! At the Star Jinn Palisade Mall in the Masala Al Kohav region of the Genesis Roleplay Grid - THOR'S FORGE - our dear friend Thorvaldr Ragnarsson has graciously set up a shop with us here at the mall and is providing his beautiful medieval builds for free and they are stunning. Another one of our awesome builders we're lucky to have him on board! Come visit Thor's Forge as well as the many other shops in our mall including Fall's For You, Creations by Tainted Angel, Heart of the Matter Boutique, Indigo's Market & Boutique, Ares' Gizmos, Stuff N Things and many more. Stop in and check things out and if you'd like to add a small shop with a TP back to your store or mall, just contact me and we'll discuss the particulars. Blessings and much love, Lavia.
The wall is growing it's true, but there is plenty of room for more. Allow us to invite you to join our Friends of The Genesis Roleplay Grid HUD. Here we'll place a walk through (collision) teleporter with your logo and grid address so that when people walk through they will be teleported to your grid and the region you select. At Genesis Roleplay Grid we are working to create a more positive and cooperative atmosphere in Open Sim and we're doing it by networking grids and sharing anything that we can to help our "Friends'" grids succeed. The process is easy, contact me, Lavia Lavine, and send me your logo and the address and rezz point for your grid's chosen destination, and that's it. It's just that simple. Why do we do this? Because we want to, and we can. Blessings and much love, Lavia.

Arcfury: I can see the portal to my grid in this snapshot. :P 10 months ago
If anybody got this from our mall, please know that I did find an error in the build in that I'd missed removing some prim parts either because I didn't see them or they managed to "ghost" their way back in as sometimes happens, and were accidentally linked to the build. Either way, I removed the invading prims so that the mesh part is what remains reducing the land impact by almost 200. So if you got this house, I have the revised, corrected version available at the mall or just contact me and I'll send it to you. Blessings and much love, Lavia
And it is all done, the Chateau de Marqueur Royal Manor, Courtyard Garden, Gatehouse and Security Wall, and Stables and they're waiting just for you in our Star Jinn Palisade Mall at our Masala Al Kohav region. I have it all set out so you can see what it's like and enjoy a tour and I hope you will like it. It's beautiful, it's free it's full perm and it's waiting for you especially if you're doing a medieval or royal region it's a one stop shop deal, everything you need. I hope you will enjoy it, blessings and much love, Lavia

Milly Money: Its utterly gorgeous, and will serve now as our main arrival area at our Hub region on TRG. Just breathtaking and vast!! Wow :) 11 months ago
Allow us to invite you to join our Friends of The Genesis Roleplay Grid HUD. Here we'll place a walk through (collision) teleporter with your logo and grid address so that when people walk through they will be teleported to your grid and the region you select. At Genesis Roleplay Grid we are working to create a more positive and cooperative atmosphere in Open Sim and we're doing it by networking grids and sharing anything that we can to help our "Friends'" grids succeed. The process is easy, contact me, Lavia Lavine, and send me your logo and the address and rezz point for your grid's chosen destination, and that's it. It's just that simple. Why do we do this? Because we want to and we can. I will also be forming a group for this for all "Friends of GRPG" to join so I can send notices and other information to those who join. Blessings and much love, Lavia.

Milly Money: we are very proud to be included as a fellow Masala Estates member with Una, for The Roleplay Grid! Thank you Lavia! :) 11 months ago
One of my very favorite flowers is the Gladiolus, and I haven't really seen any anywhere in Open Sim so, I got busy and did my best to reproduce my beloved flowers here in virtual so I can share them with everybody else. These flowers always make me smile they are so regal and beautiful. You can find them at the Star Jinn Palisade Mall in our Masala Al Kohav region at the "Create A Scene Garden Center". They're beautiful, they're free, they're full perm so have fun with them. Blessings and much love, Lavia.

Star Ravenhurst: The picture doesn't do justice to these lovely flowers. You want them in your garden! 11 months ago
Finally completed, though there may be upgraded versions in the future. The Chateau de Marqueur Royal Manor, a creation of my imagination is massive and as over 1500Li, but in open sim I'm told that's a drop in the bucket. Anyway, it has two large royal living chambers that you can decorate as you like, 12 guest or employee rooms each with their own fireplace, and there is ample space for kitchen, dining, library, and a social/ballroom. It has two massive dual sided marble fireplaces that are a little fancy, beautifully carpeted stairs and unique banisters. It also has a huge inground pool shrouded from prying eyes by lightweight curtains. I think you'll find this build enjoyable and fun and it's waiting for you in the Star Jinn Palisade Mall on the Masala Al Kohav region. It's free, and it's full perm. You can find it in the Isle de Marqueur region of our grid. ( grid.genesis-roleplay.org:8002: Isle de Marqueur ) It is boxed and waiting by the pool at the Chateau. Blessings and much love, Lavia

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Reviews (8)
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FallenAngel Absent I only came across because of one post at OSW. Now I've been here for hours, my arms are getting heavy from all the shopping bags. So much to see, so much I didn't know I needed until I saw it. :-)
Callsen Bracken Very well done constructions, thank you for the warm welcome, and detailed visits.
Milly Money I can't possibly say enough good about Lavia or this region. Anything would be an understatement!! Go for the builds, go for the friendly owner, go for the PETS .. if you want lifelike pets and animals, look no further! :)

Region Comments

Thank you for sharing your great items :-)