
Fav Place !
What a wonderful little place! Thanks for some lovely outfits.
All I need now is some handcuff earrings and a necklace with a key on it :)
ich war auch gerne bei dir, nur grundlos geblockt xDD
eine Pandoya ist bei uns nicht geplockt!
i have tried to visit this place a few times and still can not get in ,,i get a message saying i was automatically ejected ,,, very odd ,,,,why list it if you don't allow anyone there
I get logged out when I go to this store. Why?
Der Proxnet Grid-Besitzer hat Schutz vor Copybot Viewer. Infolgedessen werden einige Viewer blockiert.
the Proxnet Grid owner has protection against Copybot Viewer. As a result, some Viewers are blocked.
i am using firestorm for opensim it is not a copybot viewer and i still cannot get there however many of my friends using the same exact viewer get there ,, so seems to me
some of us are being blocked
or banned
for no reason ,,,, but whatever i give up trying to get there
it isnt the viewer a few friends of mine have been thier on firestorm same viewer that i use so it can not be the viewer and i am definatly not a copybotter i have been in opensim almost 14 years ,,, if i shop at places it is because i like the items and use them as well and appriciate the creators of the item
Geiler Shop mit ausgefallenen Männerklamotten, Danke ;-))
I don't know why I didn't do anything I was just wondering why I can't go to your store
Hi, it's okay, I can't
There are many unique hair and eyes that I've never seen in OS! I wish we could customize our own fantasy looks, the fantasy skins are not the best quality. Still a very enjoyable shopping experience
an amazing and beautifull landcaped area. I love the different levels. The gifts are really outstanding! Congrats with this sim
Toller Shop mit interessanten und schönen Produkten. Danke :)
Congratulations on an exceptional job of landscaping - really so beautiful and so well done! The gifts available are terrific and thank you so much for making them available. Beautiful sim for sure!
Amazing build. So different, fun, and quirky shop lay out. Thank you for sharing!
solite cagate..
A really pretty and well laid out shopping area!!
Lovely place to walk around while shopping for beautiful good quality items. Great job Chuby. Congratulations.
Great Build Great free items , worth visiting just to look around . Recommend for photo backgrounds, great job with this build!!!