Neo Rome

Neo Rome
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1 years ago
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Neo Rome where the future is ancient.

Come to what we are told is the most detailed and amazing place in opensim. Explore the trade shops, pick up an animesh chariot, shop at the Arena shops or check out the clubs and the crafts in the underbelly of the sim, this multi level sim is packed with things to explore and perfect for photo ops. Need to be in character? A whole set of custom avatars was made specially for this sim.

Outside this walled city find vineyards and peaceful gardens. Inside you will be sure to meet an inhabitant or two. Messelina works in the bakery amongst other fine Roman era trades. The Governor stands watch by the public and opulent bath house.
Want to stay here longer? We have villas and large apartments for lease (free of course)

Come to visit and come to stay. - come join the drama free grid with the best builders in the metaverse.

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Reviews (4)
Overall Rating:
CAMINO ROSSE es la primera vez que voy y me ha gustado mucho, he comprado algún saco de patatas para mi huerto ,pero no he visto la tienda de ropa ni el carrito que dicen, creo que me he liado y no llegué a verlo ,enhorabuena está todo muy conseguido ♥ volveré !!!
Soul-Grid The visit to Neo Rome was very nice, I was very impressed by the buildings all very nicely designed. I can only recommend a visit there. Thank you very much
SWEETGIRL Me ha encantado el sitio. Mucho trabajo, gran diseño!

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