Tierra De Volcanes

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News! EUROPA Ice Cream & MAGABAGA shake (Any similarity to actual Sim is purely coincidental)
area FEEDME!!!

Bebe: que bueno verte de vuelta chiquita :) 6 months ago
News!!! Group Gift if you are already a member of Tierra de Volcanes come and get your group gifts, open the group info and go to announcements, there open attachment and receive the group gifts.
If you are not yet part of the group don't forget to join the next time you visit us.
We Lava U ♥!!!!

Xenon Darrow: I love all your gadgets! Got the snake tongue yesterday! 7 months ago

News! hop://astralia.eu:8002/TierraDeVolcanes/168/407/3224 new area FEEDME!!!

Jared Seda: Love them all! Great new area! Thank you for the amazing creations as always. 7 months ago
News! Take the Teleport in the Darkroom located in the commercial area (in front of the swimming pool) and you will get directly to the new area or -------> hop://astralia.eu:8002/TierraDeVolcanes/57/358/3146

News!!! We have a new decoration area in Tierra de Volcanes, paintings, furniture, garden area, etc. hop://astralia.eu:8002/TierraDeVolcanes/256/401/3222

New Arrivals! hop://astralia.eu:8002/TierraDeVolcanes/80/445/3225

Aurora Starchild: Ohhh que texturas..mañana me paso! 1 years ago

News!!! hop://alternatemetaverse.com:8002/Tierra De Volcanes/151/278/3462
( tp ----->Animations )

News!!! hop://alternatemetaverse.com:8002/Tierra De Volcanes/151/278/3462
( tp ----->Animations )

News!!! Area Accessories, Appearance & Component shop://alternatemetaverse.com:8002/Tierra De Volcanes/66/192/3831

News!!! hop://alternatemetaverse.com:8002/Tierra De Volcanes/93/118/3827
ATTENTION only Legacy-----This garment contains an auto-alpha script that will hide parts of the body that may clip automatically! If you'd like to adjust this alpha, you can do so via your body HUD.
**** Legacy bodies by SciattisiGrid ****
NEWS!!! hop://alternatemetaverse.com:8002/Tierra De Volcanes/98/139/3827
ATTENTION only Legacy-----This garment contains an auto-alpha script that will hide parts of the body that may clip automatically! If you'd like to adjust this alpha, you can do so via your body HUD.
**** Legacy bodies by SciattisiGrid ****

Hicks: I like the androgynous look 2 months ago

News!!! hop://alternatemetaverse.com:8002/Tierra De Volcanes/101/137/3827

New Group Gift!!!! if you already have the group you know how to do it, now we also have it on the welcome wall of Tierra de Volcanes.
Merry Christmas from Tierra de Volcanes to all of you.
We lava U !!! ♥
hop://alternatemetaverse.com:8002/Tierra De Volcanes/389/231/6001

News!!! hop://alternatemetaverse.com:8002/Tierra De Volcanes/83/145/3827

News! Costumes HALLOWEEN Night Party Friday,25th October

Next event!!!

News!!! Bikini Alyssa Dress compatible with Legacy-Apple-Reborn

News!!! Elf Ears with Gauged S Black Tunnel plus 17 Skintones (Velour) so you can customize to your skin ------> hop://astralia.eu:8002/TierraDeVolcanes/82/283/3226

we are back!
New Group Gift ....Let's reforest!!!

YES we put joy everywhere with our plants
be happy!!!!

we lava U ♥

Carmen Jewel: Welcome back, I missed you , and wow you brought us a great pot from your vacation haha : )hugs 6 months ago
News! Cybermart mini store building, inspired by sci fi, cyberpunk style, take the Teleport in the Darkroom located in the commercial area (in front of the swimming pool) and you will get directly to the new area or -------> hop://astralia.eu:8002/TierraDeVolcanes/88/398/3146

News! hop://astralia.eu:8002/TierraDeVolcanes/163/409/3224

Darci Viper: Love all the goodies on Tierra thank you marpil 11 months ago


Aurora Starchild: Wow, qué pasadam :O de "chupa la punta!" 1 years ago

YAY! suuuuuper sexy >.< ... GET me outfit! Bra, Panties and Top , Athena - Perky - Reborn with color replacement hud

Aurora Starchild: Como se nota la crisis....el aceite de oliva y ahora el tejido :P Gorgeous! 1 years ago

NEWS! Empire outfit, Legacy/Athena, with color replacement hud

News! Pink Flamingo - Dress & pantie, Legacy Perky/Athena, with color replacement hud hop://astralia.eu:8002/TierraDeVolcanes/94/281/3226

new costumes for carnival!

Antonia Ling: Wow... this top is really sexy - like it! 1 years ago

News!!! 5 colors.
Tp ------> FEEDME hop://alternatemetaverse.com:8002/Tierra De Volcanes/232/375/3826