Tierra De Volcanes


I do not have words to describe just how amazing the Owners here are. I had some issues receiving items and immediately she came down and was patient and helped me. Some of the most beautiful items, neat and organized and felt just so welcome. Thank you so much for all your hard work. It is appreciated and I hope you get all the great things you deserve for sharing all of this with us.

9 months ago - mark as helpful (4) - report

Jimmy Olsen
Well built region and lot of goodies to grab. Sim owner is friendly and a nice builder. Gracias por todo, chiquita :)

9 months ago - mark as helpful (4) - report

Gentle Dragonheart
Amazing clothes, also for my LaraX. Furniture neatly arranged in full room packages so you can rezz an entire living/bed/bathroom etc. at once. And the full avatars... they are awesome and really include everything you may possibly need, I even found a dance HUD in my folder. Marpil is super friendly and helpful if you're a doofus like me and end up mid sea. The setup is easy to navigate and the build is absolutely amazing. SO happy to have found this place! Don't forget to visit the steampunk area, steampunk outfits here are second to none.

1 month ago - mark as helpful (3) - report

Kiana Fawn
I love your Avatars and furniture you always do a awesome job and you are very friendly and helpful This is my fave look so far! https://i.gyazo.com/c05552ac012856ab6bb866e8574f79d5.jpg

1 month ago - mark as helpful (3) - report

a very complex store with a little bit of everything, you just have to get here and in a few moments you can create a very beautiful avatar, the owner pays attention to every detail

1 month ago - mark as helpful (3) - report

Aurora Starchild
Went to visit today, and what a treat! Gave me R.Lion vibes (and that's a good thing!) so much stuff that I had to just bookmark and decide to "raid" it later. All newly brought stuff too! Amazing work! Thanks for that!

1 years ago - mark as helpful (3) - report

WOW !!!

1 month ago - mark as helpful (2) - report

Totally enjoyable visit So much to see and lots of awesome unique freebies.. The Halloween location was so well done and is the entire region.:-)

6 months ago - mark as helpful (2) - report

Once I'd got over the changed region and realised how much better laid out TierraDeVolcanes is now, and saw that there is a lot of very nice clothing for LaraX the next thing I was wondering was where do i get hold of a LaraX body? Given that there is so much clothing for LaraX it would be nice if the LaraX body was available at TierraDeVolcanes or there was a direct teleport link to where one could be obtained.

Apart from that rather minor niggle from someone who hates shopping (but loves Kitely Market and the SL Marketplace) I thought TierraDeVolcanes was nicely laid out and the mechandising second to none. So many nice items in virtual worlds are marred by poor package art and merchandising, making products look like they originated in Second Life circa 2007! Well done TierraDeVolcanes!

6 months ago - mark as helpful (2) - report

lovely, high quality items, very well laid out.
Owner is helpful and kind.
i will be checking back often for new content.
thank you for the hard work you put into this!

6 months ago - mark as helpful (2) - report

Fabulous place, absolutely beautiful furniture, clothes and fun drinks/foods ^^ . Love the Lara X clothing , which can be hard to come by! Thank you <3

7 months ago - mark as helpful (2) - report

IndigoQueen King
Hi Marpil, Thank you so very much for the map it really helped me alot. I had no idea that section of your shopping region even existed. I thought I had walked all over the place lol apparently I am blind hahahaha. I absolutely love your love your design. It is simply stunning, gorgeous, beautiful. Wow!!! Thank you for making our shopping experience so delicious!!!! Wowsers!!!

9 months ago - mark as helpful (2) - report

What a great discovery! A wide selection of items from the practical to the fantastic. I like how everything is laid out and found it very easy to walk around and take everything in. Thanks for all your great work Marpil

¡Qué gran descubrimiento! Una amplia selección de artículos, desde lo práctico hasta lo fantástico. Me gusta cómo está todo distribuido y me resultó muy fácil caminar y asimilar todo. Gracias por todo tu gran trabajo Marpil

12 months ago - mark as helpful (2) - report

Lovely area, amazing costumes, mardis gras/carnival area is so bright and lively and unique! thank you, Marpil, for sharing, and making Opensim more beautiful!

12 months ago - mark as helpful (2) - report

Todo es bello y especial en este lugar. Ademas el entorno es super alegre y colorido. Marpil es muy comunicativa y dulce
Muchas gracias :))

1 years ago - mark as helpful (2) - report

es un lugar muy bonito y tiene cosas novedosas,me ha encantado asi que volveré ♥

1 years ago - mark as helpful (2) - report

KrazyOrchid(Elie Vespucciano)
Just perfect .. love the detail and the neat way of having fatpacks ... great job and effort and making it possible for us to enjoy the shopping .. thank you for your hard work

1 years ago - mark as helpful (2) - report

Que lindo lugar!! tiene muchas cosas novedosas, me alegra que cada vez haya mas lugares asi de elegantes y variados. Muchas gracias.

1 years ago - mark as helpful (2) - report

Solo quiero destacar que me encantó este lugar..tiene de todo lo que necesitas: ropa, accesorios, muebles, decoración de ambientes, objetos de navidad, y lo mejor es que hay Avatares hermosos para chicos y chicas. También hay un increíble entorno decorado, volcanes increíbles, un hermoso club bajo el agua,una pequeña plaza colorida...en fin, tantos detalles dignos de valorar . Todo es exclusivo y de buen gusto. Gracias Mapil por compartir tu talento con nosotros ♥

1 years ago - mark as helpful (2) - report

Antonia Ling
Very nice and large selection of furniture in professionally put together fatpacks. As the owner said, the shop is still being expanded, but you can already get fashion that you don't see everywhere. Thank you!

1 years ago - mark as helpful (2) - report
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