Steampunk Siouxsin @SteampunkSiouxsin

Steamland, Zetaworlds and Le Dias, Osgrid Online

Just a nerd that likes to build and put outfits together.

Liked posts

WE GOT PROHIBITION BEAT! step into the 1920s and have a ROARING great time! lol hugsss

Well we are moving everything to a new server (DONE TOMORROW). Its awesome. All 50+ regions connected by ocean in OSgrid. Moving my old builds there too and you all are welcome. Enjoy and look forward to seeing you. p.s. still lots of free islands :) hugsss
We are going to start doing live plays (everyone is invited to participate) starting in Dec during the Xmas season starting with short skits all Victorian for this set. Looking for more Victorian clothing, especially for men, im making due but really need more clothing. hugsssss
Little by little all our Artists are coming in from the music company. On Nov 28 is our pre launch party with special guest Rogue (cuz she rocks) and other live performances from the artists on our record label. There are surprises in store! We are doing two things for the first time ever in SL or OSG wooot. hugsss

put in more 1 prim tree groups from Jimmy Olsen (Flora) only 1 prim in a group and they are so beautiful. yaaaay thought i would take a break and decorate a bit outside the cabin.

Nouvel ensemble Bom disponible sur la région Beach Lesbian World // New set available on the Beach Lesbian World region

Analia region is 1 of 9 central and 12 other 4x4 regions all connected by ocean on OS! wooooot Just upgraded to new server and its a new build but going swiftly. If anyone wants to start sailing anyway there is so much ocean, lol join the group at Welcome and you can rez your boats or get one at our SEA STORE. ALSO, there is still some free homes available for anyone who needs it. Each region, including sea regions have themes, Victorian, modern, sci fi, ect so anyone who might be interested in having fun building let me know. hugsss


Still a ways to go on building not much there yet, but in about a week there will be alot more to see and DO on all 9 regions. weeeeeeeeee i love building hugss

Another week ill have all the freebies for Halloween out and then week after for Christmas. All the things I have gathered are my favs! tonight we are having a little pre party lol so welcome to come anytime and have look so far 2 levels of freebies in the sky hugss

Build is under construction should be good to visit next week

Halloween the spooky, scary with fairy build :) lol

...Wenn Du in einem Grid mit lauter Freunden lebst..
Soul ...Living with Friends

We have fun

The Art Factory bringing you Live Entertainment throughout the Global Social Distancing. Every Saturday 14:00 - 19:00 Grid Time

The Art Factory bringing you Live Music Experiences throughout the Global Social Distancing. Every Saturday 13:00 - 19:00 Grid Time