Talia Stargarden @TaliaStargarden

Wolf Territories Grid Offline

A 28 year old trans woman and furry with a love of exploration. Owner of the Oni Isle Region, and Proprietress of The Thirsty Oni Club on Wolf Territories Grid.

Liked posts

I am so happy to be part of Wolf Territories! Lone Wolf is doing truly cutting edge things in OpenSim! Hyperconverge servers migration, bulk region opportunities, complimentary regions for 501s and edu's - and more to come! Well done, Lone!



Thorben Goerssen: Wolf ist der ein sehr guter Owner..er hat wenn man ein Problem hat immer Zeit und kümmert sofort darum. Auch ich bin sehr stolz ein Mitglied vom Wolf Ter. zu sein und kann es nur weiterempfehlen. 9 months ago
Hi Everyone , just a post for new people. I run a few free malls within Neverworld Advantis , All Free Shopping Spree , Free Port and have a hand in many more places . We try to keep alot of our items full perm . Plase on any sim you are visiting remember when you click on a vender that item has to be sent from the grids server you are on to your home server. If you click to fast walking around hitting everything like machine gun kelly all that will happen is scripts will stop working and servers will stop communicating . All we ask as sim owners is take your time you do not want to crash sims or just not receive items.

SheaButter: Those network cables are like a freeway, with cars travelling that road. Some are going north, south, east and west. If your in Canada and item is in Europe, it has to travel over that water. lol. I a... 9 months ago
Indigo Blue Realm Welcome Center especially built with newbies in mind. Video & Walk through tutorials. Now have to translate them to other languages. Always something to add or tweak in virtual life. There is a learning house and learning store to practice rezzing items, buying items and decorating rooms etc.

Jamie Wright: This is so cool! Thank you for offering this @IndigoQueenKing 9 months ago
I love supporting artists of every kind on Wolf Territories Grid whenever possible, and it turns out we have a few musicians on the grid that create their own original music.

One of those is BTY London, who is both an RL DJ as well as a musician. With his permission, I just added his newest song 'Dark Waters' to a song sphere at Luxor. You can hear it by the hypergates continuously playing.

Here's the limo to Luxor: hop://grid.wolfterritories.org:8002/Luxor/244/516/48. When you arrive at the main landing, click the Hypergate sign to go there.

You can listen to more of BTY London's works here: https://soundcloud.com/btylondon

Here's his Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/BTYLondon

Wolf Grid Art Gallery at welcome with our new exhibit.

Wolf Abbey and Conference Centre
