Outworldz Virunga

Outworldz Virunga
Role playing
Added by :
Fred Beckhusen/Ferd Frederix
Created :
10 years ago
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The Virunga Regions of Africa is a simulation of Africa in the time of Dian Fossey.. Visit the Virunga Lodge, where the view looks down on Dians Home, and the village of Ruhengeri. Seek out and photograph the rare and endangered mountain gorillas This land if alive with NPC's.

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2 hours ago

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Reviews (1)
Overall Rating:
Jupiter Rowland Impressive doesn't even begin to describe Virunga. This is not a sim for those who prefer to stand at the landing-spot and cam around for five minutes or so. It's filled to the brim with details, it's highly immersive which I can't say about many sims, also thanks to the selection of vehicles you ca...

Region Comments

Beginner's challenge: Pry yourself off of the cats near the landing-point that beg for your attention and explore the sim.

Intermediate challenge: Try to stay out of hospital for 30 minutes.

Advanced challenge: Meet Dian Fossey. As in actually go to her. Without using landmarks.

Expert challenge: Get a bus and drive it to at least one bus stop. https://opensimworld.com/post/92234
African dancers, elephants to ride, awesome huts with animals that have been brought to life. You will feel as if you are in Africa, you will also find yourself returning to this region. Each time you do, you will see something you did not see before. Layers of thought went into creating this, it is spectacular!